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    The name of Dr. J.B Fordour has become a household name in the medical fraternity and beyond in Ghana by dint of meticulous, hardwork, dedicated and excellent medical service delivered to his clients over the years and even now  after his official bowing out of active service. Over 50 children have been christened after him for the special medical customer experience he gives to his clients. His simplicity and humility challenges all to live up to a standard. His punctuality, his dedication and smiles serves as a healing balm that radiates through the hearts of all, his rich and humane relationship is unmatchable. He has lifted the bar higher for all medical Doctors and all Ghanaians  to live up to standard. "Some  are born great, others achieve greatnessness and some have greatness thrust upon them". Dr. J.B FORDJOUR indeed have achieved greatness.

   The SDA HOSPITAL has to be commended for naming a whole block after  DR. J. B FORDJOUR to   immortalized his good deeds, his commitment to clinical care and the upliftment of the Sunyani SDA Hospital, Ghana. In a surprise ceremony unknown to Dr. J.B. FORDJOUR yesterday 24th November, 2020, the block was unveiled and commissioned. Dr. J.B. FORDJOUR expressed his heart felt felicitation to the Medical Director ( Dr. Karikari) and the entire administration for the honour done him.  This gestures lives a challenging task for all health professionals and all Ghanaians to give out their best to their generation in their given field whiles they have the opportunity. 

Dr. J.B FORDJOUR has become an open epistle, a great example to all in every nook and crany. 

Do not miss the great interview with Dr. J.B FORDJOUR come Saturday 28th November, 2020 at exactly 6:15 Pm on Greena 95.9 Fm

Send your What'sapp Messages to be read on air through 0249727900



        The  GRNMA, in partnership with Mellinium Promise Alliance, an NGO,  donated assorted items of PPEs, to the Management of Ridge Hospital in Accra yesterday ( 12th Nov. 2020) as part of the activities marking the Association's 4th Dr. Docia Kisseih's Memorial lectures, which was held yesterday, 11th Nov., 2020 in Accra.
The items included, in units, 2,730 face shields, 4,800 KN95s and 1200 Surgical masks. Others were 6000 examination gloves, 40 overalls and 5 goggles. 
The GRNMA PRO, Mr Joseph Krampah and his Assistant, Mr Philimon Gyapong, on behalf of the President of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association, Mrs. Perpetual Ofori Ampofo, donated the the items. Mr. Krampah informed the Management present that, the items were donated by the Mellinium Promise Alliance to the Association as part of their measures to reach out to 1million health staff with PPEs as their contribution in the fight against the COVID 19 and to protect health personnel in their efforts to contain the Coronavirus. The GRNMA PRO took the opportunity to educate and update both new and old nurses and midwives (members of the GRNMA) on the quest of the new NEC leadership to change the face of the Association. He therefore asked the members to rally behind the GRNMA to work harder to enhance the welfare of nurses and midwives. He informed the members present that, though leadership could not get all our requests fulfilled by the employer during the COS negotiations, those that we got should be regarded as starters which could be built on in future. The remaining ones would still be visited as time goes on.
Receiving the items on behalf of Management of the Ridge Hospital, the Nurse Manager, was thankful to the leadership of the GRNMA, especially to Mad. Perpetual Ofori-Ampofo, for considering the staff of the facility by providing them with such wonderful equipments. She said they would put them to proper use and asked for more should the Association gets any consignments again.
+233 249727900: Whatsapp



Sadness is a natural part of the human experience. People may feel sad or depressed when a loved one passes away or when they are going through a life challenge, such as a divorce or serious illness. However, these feelings are normally short-lived. When someone experiences persistent and intense feelings of sadness for an extended period of time, they may have major depressive disorder (MDD)
MDD also referred to as clinical depression, is a significant medical condition that can affect many areas of your life. It impacts mood and behavior as well as various physical functions such as appetite and sleep. MDD is a serious mental disorder that has a life time incidence in 20% women and 12% in men. People with MDD often lose interest in activities they once enjoyed and have trouble performing everyday activities. Occasionally, they may also feel as if life isn't worth living.
Although depression may occur only once during your life, people typically have multiple episodes. During these episodes, symptoms occur most of the day, nearly everyday and may include:
1. Feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness or hopelessness.
2. Angry outburst l, irritability or frustration over even small matters.
3. Loss of interest or pleasure in most or all normal activities such as sex, hobbies or sports.
4. Sleep disturbance, including insomnia or sleeping too much.
5. Tiredness and lack of energy,so even small tasks take extra effort.
6. Reduced appetite and weight loss or increased cravings for food and weight gain.
7. Anxiety, agitation or restlessness.
8. Slowed thinking, speaking or body movement.
9. Feeling of worthlessness, or guilt, fixation on past failures or self blame.
10. Trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things.
11. Frequent or recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt or suicide.
12. Unexplained physical problems, such as back pain or headaches.
_NOTE_ for many people with depression, symptoms usually are severe enough to cause noticeable problems in day-day activities, such as work, school, social activities, or relationships with others. Some people may feel generally miserable or unhappy without really knowing why.

Stay tune as I share causes of Depression in my next article

Rose Doffour

BSc Psychology

Executive Secretary to FOHA CEO


On the 1St July, 2008 this great humanitarian and philanthropic organization was born out of passion and compassion to change the world. It is 12 years and the journey has being a great and interesting one. FOHA is now in Netherland, UK, Germany, USA, CHINA, NIGERIA and has grown to be a very reputable organization in Ghana with strong advocacy voice. FOHA has touched hundreds of thousands of lives through our free health screenings on diabetes, hypertension, hepatitis B , HIV/ AIDS Projects, Immunization, Surgical projects, nutrition and food security, community development and health research, capacity development just to mention but few.
FOHA for the records have hosted over 120 European Volunteers ( Medical Doctors)in Ghana, have over 300 medical and paramedical volunteers comprising of Medical Doctors, specialists, Nurses, Midwives, Anaesthetists, Pharmacists, Medical Laboratory Scientists, Midwives, Clinical Psychologists, Nutritionists, Public Health officers, Environmental health officers, engineers, journalists, pastors, Teachers, organizational Development Consultants, Lawyers, etc with the common objective of helping the weak and the vulnerable in society, bringing health care to the doorsteps of all especially those in the underserved population. FOHA has being committed for these years despite all the challenges that has confronted us, we are stronger than when we started.
On this special day of our 12th Anniversary, I would want to express my profound gratitude to he Board of Directors for their commitment and contributions to the growth and development of FOHA, to the Management members who have being at the implementation side of all board policies and directions, I say Bravo, FOHA is proud of you, and to all our cherished executive members, primium members, and volunteer members across the globe, FOHA has recognized your immense support of it's vision and you can not be forgotten in this success story. And to all our cherished clients, friends and loved ones who follow us through our various social media and read our post as well as share them, we appreciate your likes and share. Keep in touch with FOHA and be part of the FOHA history.
I want to use this opportunity to invite all those who can support the FOHA vision through their donation in kind or cash and other worthwhile support to expand the scope and the influence of FOHA across the world.
The Next 10 years would be a memorable journey for us all if God permits, am very hopeful and optimistic that the Lord shall preserve us and give us strength to get there together, let us not grow tired Wiles doing good, for in due season, we shall reap. I also encourage all passive members to show their commitment and support in everyway you can to support FOHA than nerver before, there is a greater light at the end of the tunnel.
Together we make a great difference in our world.
Let's make the world a better place than we met it .
Let's help the weak and vulnerable in society.
God bless FOHA
God bless Ghana
God bless Africa
God bless the World
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi
Founder & CEO, FOHA


      We celebrate you Dr. Dr. Emmanuel  Kofi Amponsah, the only Maxillofacial Consultant Surgeon for the whole Ghana Health Service,  a great hero in the health sector of Ghana for the meritorious and meticulous services rendered to the Ghanaian population especially those in the Bono & Ahafo region of Ghana. Through dedicated service and hardworking, you rose to the prestigious  position of the Medical Director  of the Bono Regional Hospital  till 7th May, 2020 when you were transfered to the Ghana Health Service Headquarters in Accra. You have done your part and would forever be remembered in the memories of people. 

You have rose through the ranks and files of your profession, you have achieved greatness, you have been to the top of the mountain, you strived for mastery lawfully and you are indeed an epitome of greatness. I welcome you to the academic and professional profile of Dr.Dr. E.K Amponsah, FORMER Medical Director, Bono Regional Hospital, Sunyani.

    Dr. Dr. Amponsah hails from Nkoranza in the Bono Region of Ghana. He attended BIPOAH United primary school from 1970 - 1976, BIPOAH L/A middle school with certificate  distinction, Ashanti Agona from 1977 - 1980, Amaniampong Secondary school West Africa Examination Council, Ashanti Mampong - Ghana : school certificate from 1981 - 1985, Sixth Form: Osei Kyiritwie Secondary school, West Africa Examination General Certificate  of Education, Kumasi - Ghana, Bechem Presec from 1980 - 1981. He proceeded to Piragov Medical Institute  Vennistsa, Russia Language, Ukraine from 1989 - 1990, LVOV State Medical Institute Ukraine, MD- STOMATOLOGY from 1990 - 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia from 2003 - 2006 : Surgeon( Specialist). He did his Housemanship at Komfo Anokye  Teaching Hospital, Kumasi from 1995 - 1996. Dental Surgeon, Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, 1996 - 1997, Senior Dental Surgeon Tarkwa Government Hospital, Western Region, Ghana from 1997 - 2001, PHD  Resident Oral & Maxillofacial, PAVLOV STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY from 2005 - 2007. He had his Health Administration  & Management Course at the Ghana Institute of Management & Public Administration ( GIMPA), Accra in July, 2009. He is a part time lecturer KNUST Dental School from September 2010 till date , Part time lecturer & External Examiner Kintampo School of Health from 2008 till date. He was Acting Clinical Director for the Bono Regional Hospital from September 2014 to November 2015, Clinical Director of the same facility from November 2015 to 1St August, 2018. He became the Acting  Medical Director and finally the Medical Director of the Bono Regional Hospital till May, 2020. What a great  and distinquished profile! 

    Dr. Dr. E.K Amponsah is the Chief Executive Officer ( CEO) of Nationwide Cleft Found dation ( NGO)  from May 2013 till date, he is the coordinator Ghana - Korea .Medico- Scientific  cooperation project, 2014 till date. He has this as his academic qualification: MD- STOMATOGY, MDSc, PHD, FGCS, FGDA and his specialty is Consultant Oral  & Maxillofacial Surgeon.

Dr. Dr. Amponsah is a Fellow, Ghana Dental Association, 1St July, 2016, Board member: Faculty of Dentistry GCS, 2012 - 2014, member Ghana Medical Association, 1995, Vice President Ghana Dental Association, 2009 - 2011, Fellow Ghana College of Surgeons, 25th November, 2012.

Dr. Dr. Amponsah has indeed written his name in the honours of history from the medical fraternity to the  corporate world , Ayekoo !!!

Dr. Dr. Amponsah has a certificate of recognition by the American Association of Plastic Surgeons ( 2008), he was the 1St runner up 2nd Medical Excellence Award, 20th Dec. 2016, Certificate of Meritorial Medical Service with United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, 4th November, 2011, Best Senior Medical Officer Bono Regional Hospital, 2010. He is  the Coordinator of Ghana Ambulance Services for the Ahafo, Bono & Bono East Region of Ghana. By virtue of his academic and professional excellence he has published 23 International Medical Journals and has four papers under publication. Dr. Dr. Amponsah's profile and achievement is an inspiration not only for those in the medical fraternity but also for all in every sphere of life to yearn and aspire for the best in whichever field one belongs to in life. I want to place on records that Dr. Dr. E.K. Amponsah is the only Oral Maxillofacial Consultant surgeon in the whole Ghana Health Service. Over 20 House Officers have passed through his training at the Bono Regional Hospital, he has trained six ( 6) Oral & Maxillofacial surgeons such as Dr. Paul Frimpong, Dr. Tony, Dr. Richard, Dr. Arko, Dr. Aaron just to mention but few. Indeed, you have really menotered medical professionals, your indellible mark and leadership lives on. 

     God bless and keep you in your next level of leadership , we wish you very well and the best, on behalf of the countless number of people whose lives you impacted and transformed, who for circumstances  did not get the opportunity to say thank you, I speak on their behalf and say BRAVO!!! May the Good Lord bless and keep you in your next level.

God bless Dr. Dr. Amponsah

God Bless the Medical Fraternity

God bless Bono Regional Hospital

God bless Ghana

Share your comments and likes as we celebrate Dr. Dr. Amponsah for his distinquished service as the Former Medical Director of the Bono Regional Hospital, Sunyani.

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi


+233 249727900


         It is gross insensitivity, grave sin and greediness that will lead to false names on Frontline health workers list in the health sector in Ghana.  In a letter dated 7th April, 2020 by Nana Kwabena Adjei Mensah, Chief Director for the Ministers of Health stated the criteria and who qualifies as a FRONTLINE HEALTH WORKER in clear terms without any ambiguity. Monday 18th May, 2020 front page of the Chronicles carried a story " Naked Robbery at the Health Sector".....Real beneficiaries  side- lined, accountants, administrators added".

Checks from the health sector gives credence and authenticity to this story. It is unfortunate that the good intention of His Excellency the president of the Republic of Ghana to motivate and appreciate Frontline health workers is being thwarted by some if not all  greedy, selfish and insensitive health care managers in the country whose desire is  to satisfy  themselves and leave the hardworking Frontline health workers who are sacrificing their lives for the country even at the peril of their lives. The Minister of health should interrogate, investigate how Frontline health workers were selected across the facilities in Ghana, names of Frontline health workers should be made public in various health facilities for all staff to know and appreciate process fairness. The best people to know Frontline health workers are the workers in the health facility themselves. Health managers of affected institutions and all leaders who sat down to cook names front the backline to Frontline should be named and shamed and if found guilty of violating the core values of integrity and teamwork in the health sector, must be punished as a deterrent to others. Names of Frontline health workers has become like cocaine parcel across almost all health sectors in the nation, this attitude of opaqueness does not promote team work. COVID-19 shall pass, leaders found of selecting people based on criteria best known to them should know that posterity and time will judge them. Are we all not Christians and muslims who believe and hold their the principles of integrity, yet lie and wallow in deep seated corruption, this is robbying the hardworking health worker of their due. This  Weis shameful and disgraceful,to say the least.   We can not  continue to be doing the wrong thing and expect change and development. Stop blaming politicians as the only corrupt people in society, deep seated corruption in public service in Ghana, purge your house Ghana Health sector, he that comes for equity must come with clean hands.

Share your comments and share the story as we shape the Health sector in Ghana.

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro




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