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         It is gross insensitivity, grave sin and greediness that will lead to false names on Frontline health workers list in the health sector in Ghana.  In a letter dated 7th April, 2020 by Nana Kwabena Adjei Mensah, Chief Director for the Ministers of Health stated the criteria and who qualifies as a FRONTLINE HEALTH WORKER in clear terms without any ambiguity. Monday 18th May, 2020 front page of the Chronicles carried a story " Naked Robbery at the Health Sector".....Real beneficiaries  side- lined, accountants, administrators added".

Checks from the health sector gives credence and authenticity to this story. It is unfortunate that the good intention of His Excellency the president of the Republic of Ghana to motivate and appreciate Frontline health workers is being thwarted by some if not all  greedy, selfish and insensitive health care managers in the country whose desire is  to satisfy  themselves and leave the hardworking Frontline health workers who are sacrificing their lives for the country even at the peril of their lives. The Minister of health should interrogate, investigate how Frontline health workers were selected across the facilities in Ghana, names of Frontline health workers should be made public in various health facilities for all staff to know and appreciate process fairness. The best people to know Frontline health workers are the workers in the health facility themselves. Health managers of affected institutions and all leaders who sat down to cook names front the backline to Frontline should be named and shamed and if found guilty of violating the core values of integrity and teamwork in the health sector, must be punished as a deterrent to others. Names of Frontline health workers has become like cocaine parcel across almost all health sectors in the nation, this attitude of opaqueness does not promote team work. COVID-19 shall pass, leaders found of selecting people based on criteria best known to them should know that posterity and time will judge them. Are we all not Christians and muslims who believe and hold their the principles of integrity, yet lie and wallow in deep seated corruption, this is robbying the hardworking health worker of their due. This  Weis shameful and disgraceful,to say the least.   We can not  continue to be doing the wrong thing and expect change and development. Stop blaming politicians as the only corrupt people in society, deep seated corruption in public service in Ghana, purge your house Ghana Health sector, he that comes for equity must come with clean hands.

Share your comments and share the story as we shape the Health sector in Ghana.

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro




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