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The Ghana Health Service (GHS) received a report of unusually high number of suspected flu cases in three (3) secondary schools (Akuse Methodist Secondary School, Krobo Girls Secondary School and Legacy School (Private)) in Lower-Manya-Krobo District of Eastern Region on Thursday 31st October, 2019.


Consequently, teams of experts from the National and Regional Levels were dispatched to support the affected Districts, to verify and assess the situation and provide response actions as appropriate.

The teams have met with the respective school authorities and took samples from affected students for laboratory testing. The test confirmed  seasonal flu Type-A H3N2 which responds well to current treatment regimen for flu management.


 The affected students were given the needed medication and told to stick to common hygienic practices such as:

*1. Washing of hands with soap under running water and*

*2. Observe common cough etiquette such as covering  your mouth with a handkerchief before you cough or sneeze to prevent further spread*


All the affected students have responded well to treatment and are doing very well as at today, *Sunday 3rd November, 2019* and normalcy has been restored to the school, students are going about their daily routines.


At this point, we wish to indicate that, the situation is under control and encourage parents not to panic, but rather advise their wards to cooperate with the health and school authorities, practice and enhance personal hygiene and cough etiquette as suggested by the health teams.


The Ministry  of Health / Ghana Health Service will continue to monitor the situation very closely, do best to contain it and provide updates to the general public as appropriate.








Ms. Agnes Asiedu is the Director of Health Services Appointed for Berekum West, CONGRATULATION DIRECTOR

Leaders instil in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves, challenges people to challenge the status quo, and make difference in their generation.  Positive leaders empower people to the peak of their goals. For distinguished contribution to the Nursing profession in both clinical and training field, and by extension the entire health system in Ghana. You have paid your due to the developmental agenda of Ghana. Her words and communication skills are balms that soothes and heals wounds. Her sense of professionalism, courtesy, responsibility and love for her work confirms the assertion that nursing is a call. Her lamps are not off but always blazing with the flames of love and care like the legend patron of nursing, Florence Nightingale. I introduce to you a great leader Ms. AGNES ASIEDU, the Director of Health services for Berekum West. CONGRATULATION Director. You have carved a niche for yourself, you are a great inspiration to the health care fraternity.

      Madam Agnes attended St Martin Senior Secondary School from 1981 to 1986 at Addo Ajire, Nsawam. She went to Komfo Anokye Nursing Training College for the state registered Nursing programme from 1987 to 1990. She was posted to the regional hospital, Sunayni afterwards from 1990 to 1992 as a stuff Nurse. She furthered to pursue midwifery at Komfo Anokye Teaching hospital from 1992 to 1993. She received posting to Bechem Government Hospital as a staff midwife and worked in this facility from May 1993 to November 1996. Her love for her professional development landed her in KorleBu Public Health Nursing School from November 1996 to 1997 to be trained as a Public Health Nurse. After successful completion, she was posted to the Jeman District ( Drobo) as a Public Health Nurse. She was reassigned to the Sunyani Municipal hospital where she worked till 2012.  By reason of her meticulous work, she was reassigned to the Dormaa Presbyterian Midwifery  School as a tutor in Anatomy and Physiology from January 2012 to August 2012. Her posting was later reviewed and she was brought back to the Brong Ahafo regional health directorate as the In service training coordinator.  She is currently at the rank of the Deputy Director of Nursing Services ( DDNS), the last but one rank in the Nursing professional ladder.

     Madam Agnes holds a BSc in Public Health with specialization in education from the Catholic University College of Ghana, Fiapre from 2007 to 2010. She also holds her Masters in Public Health ( MPH) from the University of Ghana School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences with specialization in Population, Family & Reproductive Health. She has being a Family & Reproductive Health advocate on radio and on a lot of privilege platforms in Ghana especially the Brong Ahafo region for many years.  She is a counselor, a human resource strategist, a facilitator, a personnel trainer, health promotion officer, has being a tutor at Kintampo College of Health, Sunyani Nursing Training college, Tanoso Nursing Training College, Berekum Nursing Training College and above all, a born again believer who worships with the Glad Tidings Assemblies of God Church, sunyani. 

        By virtue of her outstanding and her innovative contributions to the health care delivery in Ghana, she had a fellowship Award  to UK- Liverpool School of Tropical medicine for a short course in Reproductive Health for developing countries from March to July, 2005. She was once again honoured to be visited by the then US ambassador Madam Mary Kalyn Yate in 2004 at her office as the facility manager at the Sunyani Municipal Hospital. As if that was not enough, in 2010,  she again won a scholarship to Japan to do a short course in Health Promotion & Nutrition for women in Leadership position in Developing countries. 

Indeed, you are a hero and have played your part very well, your story is very inspiring and challenging.

CONGRATULATION Madam Agnes. WAS NURSING YOUR CHILDHOOD DREAM? I had wanted to become a Lawyer, but found myself as a nurse. Thanks to God, I have never  regretted being a nurse. I do my nursing work with a lot of passion, dedication, heart of love for my patients. Am highly fulfilled being a nurse, is a great call and must be delivered as such. A lot is expected from me as a  nurse, hence building capacity to meet the needs of my patients. WHAT HAS BEING YOUR MOTIVATION all these years as a Nurse? You can only give out your best when you are self motivated.  Am very self motivated and the ripple effect of inner joy and motivation  radiates to my patients in the form of love, care, smiles, which goes a long way to help in the recovery process. The following people have also being of great motivation to my career development: Mr.Amoako Atta- my lovely husband & my two wonderful children, Dr. Opare, Madam Agnes Kwakye- former Public Health Nurse for Brong Ahafo, current Chief Nursing Officer for Ashanti Region-  Madam Rita

Anafo and Madam Addoquaye- former DDNS public Health, Brong Ahafo region.

     Finally, WHAT IS YOUR MESSAGE TO THE YOUNG PROFESSIONALS and all reading your story? They should know why they chose to be nurses and health professionals. That a lot is expected from them as health professionals. They should be courteous, humble to learn and take instruction,  they should be good models wherever they find themselves, even in a taxi by way of conversation, appearance and decency in dressing as a professional. They should embody the readiness to help, look sharp, smile, be scientific and above all loving.

How do we gain the the respect and love for the Nursing profession back as a noble one?

# Reingineering Nursing Education and Training


#Reversing the money factor as the prime   motivation for entering the profession

# Supervision

# Health sector should be devoid of politics

       These untold  stories are  written to let these heroes know how they mean to us for such an outstanding achievements they have chalked over time, and also to let the Ghanaian community know that there are  still good people in society, we must celebrate and honour such people whiles they live. This is one of  the tools to motivate and challenge the young generation to live up to expectation. Stay tune and in touch as I bring you more inspiring stories of our heroes across the country. Keep sharing, liking and  commenting as we promote health in Ghana.

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi- jak

Founder& CEO, FOHA

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+233 249727900



       Names like Mr.Asante Frank lingers in the memories of the medical laboratory fraternity in the Brong Ahafo region and Ghana as a whole due to his Sterling contributions made in the Developemental agenda of Ghana, medical laboratory in focus. You have served your generation well, you have made a an indellible mark, you have touch your generation, your imapct will resonate in the royal veins of humanity so far as the earth endures.  Mr. Asante Frank had  his O Level at Acherensua secondary school from 1974 - 1979, A Level from 1979- 1981. By dint of meticulous work, he did some casual work at VALCO. He continued to school of medical laboratory in Korlebu from 1983- 1986, worked at the Korlebu Teaching hospital for 5 years. He was assigned to the Mim Timber company as a Technician. His thirst and quest for knowledge and personal development opened the floodgate for him to be enrolled into Legon to pursue Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology. On completion, he was posted to the Sunyani regional hospital from 2003 till now. His knowledge and experience in medical laboratory made him the 3rd in command when he was first posted at the regional hospital. Owning to his distinguished and experiencing service at the laboratory, he was appointed as the head of the medical laboratory department from 2004 till date. BRAVO !!!

       In 2006, he had the opportunity to go to Kenya to do a 5 days course on blood transfusion, in 2009, he went to South Africa to do laboratory management for 10 days. The sad thing is that Mr. Asante would be going on retirement soon, possibly in 2019, who is going to be in his stead and project his ideals and philosophies in diagnostic  health care ?

WHAT motivated you to pursue medical laboratory? Had the influence from my uncle, but also saw that it was practical to work with. 


It has being God and my passion and commitment towards what I do.

I am also very relational, has passion for teaching students who come to the laboratory, have cordial and friendly relationship with all who work under me, I see them as part of my team and appreciates their contributions, they have supported me immensely. 

WHO DO YOU WANT ACKNOWLEDGE?  Mr. Bannerman Richard - Brong Ahafo regional biomedical scientist.


Am married to Mad.Ernestina Awua - Many. I belong to the Methodist Church of Ghana, Nkwabeng, Sunyani.

WHAT IS YOUR ADVICE TO THE YOUNGER HEALTH PROFESSIONALS? The young professionals should be ready to learn, not put the love of money ahead of humanity, serve with all humility and dignity to help the sick to recover and be restored to good health. 

Indeed, you are worth celebrating and honouring, with the pen I sing your honour today and into your ears whiles you are alive. Your generation and Ghana is very proud of you for the good will and meticulous service rendered to the good people of Ghana.

     Let Mr. Asante know how much  he is worth to you, send your comments, experiences with him, likes and share as we celebrate health heroes in Ghana. How will you describe him?

Still celebrating health heroes, support the Health heroes project as we change the health narrative, heroes emerge, but too often than not we only mention their achievements when they are dead, let the story line change now !!!

Send your feedback to me on Whatsapp : 0249727900

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi ( JAK)



Since the Advent of emergency medicine in Ghana some 10 years ago, tremendous progress has been achieved in the health care industry in Ghana in preventing preventable deaths and medical complications. The emergency systems runs for 24 hours and it does not depend on who came first but rather who needs the care first depending on the triage scoring cards. The cards are scored # Red # Green # Yellow # Black according to what the client scores with respect to respiration, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, patients ability to walk and so on. Central governmnets has over the years committed resources to the revamping and invigorating emergency health care in Ghana though it has never being enough. Thus, within the context of participatory health care, the SUNYANI MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL is unveiled as a key partner in reducing mortality in the area of emergency medicine and other related areas. As part of measures put together by the hospital management and the Nursing administration, a two days workshop which started from the 31st October and ended on the 1St November, 2019 was today climaxed with a SIMULATION & MUOLAGE Excercise which lasted for about an hour. A live emergency situation was created where Masses of people were brought to the emergency Unit of the Municipal hospital as a result of head on collision between a metro mass transit and an urvan bus where over 30 people were involved as casualties. The emergency response team with their skills and teamwork came to the scene and it was an admirable one to see the agility and the rapidity with which the health care team rescued the victims, assessed patients who needed care first, those who has to be referred for further management at the Sunyani regional hospital, two people died as a result of the accident, others were admitted and discharged as well. Key among the team members present and part of the emergency response team was the DDNS of the facility Madam Emily Amanfo, EMTs from national ambulance were actively involved in the excercise, nurses and doctors of various categories, securities, logistics officers, and other paramedics were part of the team. Nursing students from the University of energy also played key roles in various aspect of the excercise.

    The DDNS encouraged the staff at the facility to keep the teamwork up and help to improve upon medical care in the country specifically within the BONO region. Some of the team leaders adviced drivers not to drink whiles driving and to avoid over speeding. Health staff were admonished by the Nurse manager to communicate effectively to the public on health interventions, she also enjoins the public to appreciate the meticulous work of hardworking health staff in the country in as much as she agrees there are some bad nuts, we should project and encourage the good ones to live up to expectation.

 An eye witness today at the Sunyani Municipal hospital as they managed Mass casualties from accident reinforces my trust and believe in emergency preparedness and response in the Sunyani Municipal hospital.

Source : Eye witness by the JAK MEDIA 

Reported By : Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi

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Share on all your platforms, comment as we project the ideals of development in Ghana.


Yesterday 29th October 2019 was a day that was greeted with a lot of smiles and joy as the Sunyani regional hospital got ready for the 2019 peer review. The peer review is a yearly assessment and examination of all facilities across the nation Ghana and Ghana Health Service in particular to ascertain wether or not they are working within the remits of their professional standards. The Team for the Assessment were selected from the regional health directorate, sunyani Municipal assembly, regional hospital and others from different health facilities across the regional. Some key personalities among the team were Dr. Amo Kodie - the GMA president of Brong Ahafo region, Mrs. Mary Boakye - Chief Nursing Officer( CNO) for Brong Ahafo regional hospital, Dr.Dr. E.K Amponsah - Medical Director of the Brong Ahafo regional hospital, Mrs. Eunice Oppong - Amoah who represented the Nurse Administrator who happens to be a DDNS and the theatre supervisor of the regional hospital. Key areas of assessment we're the external environment of the hospital, state of infrastructure, occupational health practices, staff and client satisfaction, functional information desk, coordination between Public health and clinical care, decontamination procedures, hand washing procedures, delivery sets, dressing sets, emergency services and systems, emergency duty roster, emergency trays, management of Mass casualties, clinical practices, filling and retrieval of folders, Under 5 mortality, maternal mortality, prescriptions, personal protective equipments ( PPEs), sharp box, fire prevention, annual health screening for staff, segregation of waste, availability of adverse register, action plan, strategic plan, minutes of departmental meetings, weekly cash flow, quarterly financial reports, equipment replacement plan, availability of standard guidelines and protocols, stores and supply, medical records. The aforementioned indicators were benchmark for the scoring from 0 to 100%. The hospital scored 79.9% in all the areas of assessment done yesterday. The team hailed and praised the regional hospital for maintaining the high standard of the facility and encouraged it to do more in order to improve upon their marks come next year. The medical director of the facility Dr.Dr.E.K.Amponsah on behalf of management expressed his profound gratitude to all staff, unit heads, heads of departments and all for supporting his administration and encouraged them to do more in order to improve upon good patients outcome. My eye witness and visit to all the departments of the facility saw a great change and improvement in all departments. The medical director enjoins all staff to maintain and sustain the quality health care and not make it just an event but a sustainable change. Key departments that have seen greater improvement is the private ward whose environment and rooms contributes to the recovery process. The best place to receive your best and professional medical care is the Sunyani regional hospital.

Stay tune as we bring you up to speed with events and happenings at the facility and the health care industry across the nation.

Source : Eye witness news by Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi


A two days Mass Casualty  workshop for staff of Accident & Emergency Unit of the Sunyani regional hospital ended with renewed skills, competencies and knowledge in handling accident victims. The workshop brought together staff of the Accident and Emergency Bay, Ward, theatre and other paramedical departments of the hospital as well as some Emergency   Nurses & Critical Care Nurse from the Sunyani Municipal hospital. The workshop forms part of the 2019 strategic plan put in place to ensure that all staff are equipped with adequate and current skills in handling accident victims. The workshop was two in one: theory and practicals ( moulage Simulation). A life scene was created where an accident case was announced, the emergency prepares to receive the victims of the accident. Various departments of the emergency got ready with all the necessary logistics and equipments. We had the commanding officer, communication officer, triage officer, logistics officer, Security officer, morgue attendant, ambulance driver, medical officer and various departments of the triage units: 

# Red Unit

# Yellow Unit

#Green Unit

# Black Unit

# Referral Unit

All the above Units were ready to receive their respective patients based on the results of the triage. I watched with much glee how skills and competence we're being displaced by the emergency response team. Two patients died in the accident scenario but later resurrected, 9 patients were in critical condition, 9 cases were stable, 6 patients were referred to the regional hospital sunyani for further medical management. As we have being seeing in accident cases, relatives and significant others try to come to the scene in their emotional attempt to help the helpless, security is needed in an emergency to situation to keep the traffic from interfering with the work of the health experts in such situations. A lot of people were drawn to the scene from various departments of the hospital to witness the simulation excercise.

   Facilitators : 

# Dr. Hanson Ayum Larnyor - Orthopaedic / Trauma surgeon

# Dr. K.Korankye -  HOD & Emergency Physician specialist

# Dorithy Boache - Emergency Nurse specialist

# Usman Numan - Emergency Nurse specialist


#  Veronica Apraku Mensah -  AE Theatre In charge

# Stanley Doe - Main theatre In charge

# Sie Broni - Anaesthetist

#  Lisah Peprah - AE ward In charge

# Irene Kumi - AE Bay In charge

#  Jamila Akua Boateng - Critical Care Nurse

# Linda Lartey - Emergency In charge, Sunyani Municipal Hospital

# Mercy Nyarko - Critical Care Nurse, Sunyani Municipal Hospital.

# Samuel Boahen - Emergency Nurse specialist - Sunyani Municipal hospital

# Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi - PRO Emergency Department. 

The Training has ignited Teamwork and Team Spirit at the department as staff are poised to work effectively to lift up the name of the regional hospital which is a referral centre withing the Bono region and beyond. The programme was proudly sponsored by the hospital management.

Media present : JAK MEDIA & CHARLES MEDIA.

Source : Eye witness by JAK media

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