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    The name of Dr. J.B Fordour has become a household name in the medical fraternity and beyond in Ghana by dint of meticulous, hardwork, dedicated and excellent medical service delivered to his clients over the years and even now  after his official bowing out of active service. Over 50 children have been christened after him for the special medical customer experience he gives to his clients. His simplicity and humility challenges all to live up to a standard. His punctuality, his dedication and smiles serves as a healing balm that radiates through the hearts of all, his rich and humane relationship is unmatchable. He has lifted the bar higher for all medical Doctors and all Ghanaians  to live up to standard. "Some  are born great, others achieve greatnessness and some have greatness thrust upon them". Dr. J.B FORDJOUR indeed have achieved greatness.

   The SDA HOSPITAL has to be commended for naming a whole block after  DR. J. B FORDJOUR to   immortalized his good deeds, his commitment to clinical care and the upliftment of the Sunyani SDA Hospital, Ghana. In a surprise ceremony unknown to Dr. J.B. FORDJOUR yesterday 24th November, 2020, the block was unveiled and commissioned. Dr. J.B. FORDJOUR expressed his heart felt felicitation to the Medical Director ( Dr. Karikari) and the entire administration for the honour done him.  This gestures lives a challenging task for all health professionals and all Ghanaians to give out their best to their generation in their given field whiles they have the opportunity. 

Dr. J.B FORDJOUR has become an open epistle, a great example to all in every nook and crany. 

Do not miss the great interview with Dr. J.B FORDJOUR come Saturday 28th November, 2020 at exactly 6:15 Pm on Greena 95.9 Fm

Send your What'sapp Messages to be read on air through 0249727900


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