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The Governing Law of the World, Rev.JAK

Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)

The two  governing laws 
Romans 8:2
"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death."
    The two laws governing this world are :
# The law of the Spirit of Life.
# The law of sin and death.
These are the indispensable laws that is controlling the world. The   believer is supposed to be governed by the law of the Spirit of Life which is in Christ Jesus whiles the unbeliever is governed by the law of sin and death. 
That is to say that, to live according to the will or the pattern of the Spirit of God is life and peace. It is the Spirit that brings real life and peace on earth. The Spirit life is so important that you can not depart from the presence of the Spirit and have life. It is the Spirit of God that gives direction, guidance, knowledge, wisdom and counsel for life, the Spirit guides you with holy desire. It is dangerous not to live by the life of the Spirit. The Spirit gives  the breath of life, He breathes on the believer and brings the believer to the place of devine understanding and lumination, to know all things, you can not just get it wrong with the Spirit. That is why christians are called upon to live by and walk by the Spirit.  The converse is true, living by the flesh or by sin is death and eternal destruction. Anyone that lives by the flesh is dead and condemned. To live by the law of sin is to walk after what you see, hear, feel, touch and taste, that is a limited life. Many in the church today are operating by the law of sin and death. The law of sin and death will take a toll on your life energy and strength, will drain you of the joy of life. The problem we are confronted with globally today is as a result of sin. Economies are dead today, visions of individuals and countries are dead because of sin, the passion of many christians are on recession because of sin, sin will take away everything the Lord has given you, stay away from the law of sin and death now ! The only way to avoid the law of sin and death is to live by the  Spirit. 
May the Holy Spirit help you to live according to the will of the Spirit and may the Lord Jesus open to you uncommon doors of blessing in Jesus name.
Watch and pray
Good Morning
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro


Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)
The Acid test for Christianity
Job.1.1 - There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil. [KJV]
The greatest test to determine wether one is a Christian or not is the FEAR OF THE LORD. Anyone that fears the Lord eschews evil and wrong doing. The church today is full of professional christians who profess with their mouth to be christians by reason of their denominationalism but have being denying God daily on the basis of their evil and wrong deeds. We are in a generation where many are fasting and praying for the power and the anointing of God yet have never prayed for the fear of God and the ability to hate evil, that is a sad development in our walk with God. Many men of God demonstrate the power of God and speak with the tongues of angels yet lack the fear of the Lord, they do not eschew evil, many have become chronic liars and sin without conscience. Sin is the missing of the Mark or the standard of God. There is a standard for being called a child of God, depart from evil, love good and pursue it, be different in that office, You are going to be a lone ranger on the road of fearing the Lord, only few are on that road, choose the fear of the Lord above power and anointing, you can have the anointing and not fear God. The fear of the Lord brings the total presence of God upon the life of the believer. Practice the fear of the Lord at home, work place, church, your conversation, your relationship with God and others, you will never cheat others if you fear God, you will never be corrupt if you fear God, Fornication and Adultery has become a common thing in churches today because many have lost the fear of the Lord . Can you be described as one that fears God? Do not be deceived with your denomination, examine yourself now wether you eschew evil or approve it ? Let God be a priority and a standard for everything you do in life. May the Lord Jesus Christ help you to fear God and eschew evil in 2020 in Jesus name.
Watch and pray
Good Morning
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro
Senior Pastor


     Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah ( Immediate past chairman of the Church of Pentecost ) is calling for Unity and love among family members in order to have a sustainable development and progressive blessing.  This was contained in a message delivered by the Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah during the End of Year Family Retreat and Meeting which was held on last Friday 3rd January 2020 at the Pentecost Convention centre, Kumasi. The revered man of God brought together all his family members across the nation of the world as he does always for thanking the Lord, appreciating His goodness and mercies and seeking the face of God for the new year 2020. The gathering brought together over hundred family members. The apostle Prof spoke on the Theme: UNITY IS GOOD

TEXT: Ruth 1: 1-5, 8- 19

Ref: Hebrews 12: 14, Psalm 133:1

The central message in Apostle Prof. Onyinah's sermon is for all families to strive towards achieving unity at all cost. He also added the need for families to stop attributing every event to the devil using the story of Naomi and Ruth as an illustrative example: Ruth could have accused her mother inlaw( NAOMI) for being the cause  her husband's death, yet she did not, Ruth rather clinged to her mother inlaw and came into a foreign land, not knowing the outcome of life. It is evident that Ruth had a good relationship with the mother inlaw else should would never had followed her. Lesson for all families according to Prof. Onyinah, is to love peace and pursue it, work towards achieving unity on daily basis. 

   Apostle Prof. Onyinah also questions why AFRICA & GHANA CAN NOT have a sustainable development because of hatred and pull him down on all side of life. He is by this communication enjoining all countries especially Ghana to embrace the wave and current of peace, support genuine vision and people, celebrate the success of others, and as you do, you automatically aligns yourself with transgenerational blessing. He also reiterated the need for us all to encourage people to do better, let us love one another. He also challenges the Youth to study and give themselves time to rise to prominence at God's time and depend on the pure grace of the Lord which has brought him to the Pinnacle of life. Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah and Mama Grace Opoku Onyinah are most grateful to the Lord for seeing them throughout their stewardship as chaiman of church of PENTECOST during his tenure of office. 

Some of the family members present at the meeting were: Mama Grace Onyinah,  Apostle Onyinah Gyamfi, Dr. Agyei Onyinah, Mr. Onyinah Gyau, Madam Mary Serwaa Phyllis Onyinah, Elder Agyei, Elder Maxwell Agyei, Madam Martha Onyinah, Mr. Yaw Agyewudo, Rev. James Agbotro Kwaku, Rev. Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi, Pastor Peter Agbotro Kwaku, Bro. Raphael Agbotro Kwabena.

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Watchers' chapel International( WCI)
Do not walk alone in 2020
Psalms 133:1
" See how good and how pleasing it is for brothers to be living together in harmony!"
Unity or togetherness is said to be the soul of an army, it is the anchor of any relationship and family, destroy fellowship and break unity and you can be sure of wrecking a whole generation. If only families and churches will know, nations will know to stay together, they will become unstoppable, untouchable, and they will do exploits. There is joy and happiness in staying together in love and unity of mind and purpose. Cultivate the habit of love and and supporting the building of families and any group that you belongs to, do not be the one to cause division among groups, pursue Unity and work towards it on daily basis. Love and celebrate successful people you meet in life, genuinely love and support their mandate, as you do, you will automatically become great, no pull him down in 2020, love and be genuine in your confessions. Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah reiterated the need for families to stay together during our end of year family retreat at the Pentecost convention centre yesterday in Kumasi. According to Prof, for sustainable development and blessing, Unity is key.
Watch And Pray
Good Morning
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro
Senior Pastor


    Under the chairmanship of Bishop Dr. Richard Owusu - Acheaw who doubles as the founding General Overseer of the Living Grace Ministries International, the Bono regional steering committee is meeting to plan for the year 2020. The meeting serves  as a platform to put down plans and policies that will ensure that Charismatic and christians churches within the Bono region are empowered, strengthened and refreshed through it's monthly meetings. Bishop Richard is using this medium to appeal to all pastors and church leaders within the Bono and Ahago enclaves to register and be part of NACCC for protection and also to share fellowship and best practices in church governance and proper administration,  in order to keep the hope and aspiration of members high. His Eminence the Archbishop Nicholas Duncan - Williams is the National Chairman of the National Association of Christsians' & Charismatic churches in Ghana.

The time scheduled for the meeting of the steering committee is today Tuesday 16th December, 2019 at 12:000 pm.

Stay tune for updates of the meeting.

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi

Membership / Communication Director, NACCC BONO REGION


Watchers' Chapel International ( WCI)


 May the Lord Remember You 


Ps.20.3 - May He remember all your offerings, And accept your burnt sacrifice.Selah [ESV]

    By the oil of God upon my life and the apostolic - prophetic mandate, I activate this scripture in your life now and forever in the name of Jesus: That God will look favourably on all your offerings and sacrifices for His kingdom and for the sake of humanity. I activate a remembrance clause in your life this morning in Jesus name. I command every seed you have sown into my life and ministry and that of the kingdom of God  to grow and multiply beyond measure. Let every service and Goodwill you have rendered to humanity receive a RECOGNITION before God and let God set a fire of protection around your life in Jesus name. You shall succeed and be remembered as the blessed of the Lord in your generation, generation yet unborn shall sing your praise and celebrate our success, receive this benediction in Jesus name...

Watch And Pray

Good Morning

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi

Senior Pastor


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