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Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)
The Acid test for Christianity
Job.1.1 - There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil. [KJV]
The greatest test to determine wether one is a Christian or not is the FEAR OF THE LORD. Anyone that fears the Lord eschews evil and wrong doing. The church today is full of professional christians who profess with their mouth to be christians by reason of their denominationalism but have being denying God daily on the basis of their evil and wrong deeds. We are in a generation where many are fasting and praying for the power and the anointing of God yet have never prayed for the fear of God and the ability to hate evil, that is a sad development in our walk with God. Many men of God demonstrate the power of God and speak with the tongues of angels yet lack the fear of the Lord, they do not eschew evil, many have become chronic liars and sin without conscience. Sin is the missing of the Mark or the standard of God. There is a standard for being called a child of God, depart from evil, love good and pursue it, be different in that office, You are going to be a lone ranger on the road of fearing the Lord, only few are on that road, choose the fear of the Lord above power and anointing, you can have the anointing and not fear God. The fear of the Lord brings the total presence of God upon the life of the believer. Practice the fear of the Lord at home, work place, church, your conversation, your relationship with God and others, you will never cheat others if you fear God, you will never be corrupt if you fear God, Fornication and Adultery has become a common thing in churches today because many have lost the fear of the Lord . Can you be described as one that fears God? Do not be deceived with your denomination, examine yourself now wether you eschew evil or approve it ? Let God be a priority and a standard for everything you do in life. May the Lord Jesus Christ help you to fear God and eschew evil in 2020 in Jesus name.
Watch and pray
Good Morning
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro
Senior Pastor


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