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The Governing Law of the World, Rev.JAK

Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)

The two  governing laws 
Romans 8:2
"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death."
    The two laws governing this world are :
# The law of the Spirit of Life.
# The law of sin and death.
These are the indispensable laws that is controlling the world. The   believer is supposed to be governed by the law of the Spirit of Life which is in Christ Jesus whiles the unbeliever is governed by the law of sin and death. 
That is to say that, to live according to the will or the pattern of the Spirit of God is life and peace. It is the Spirit that brings real life and peace on earth. The Spirit life is so important that you can not depart from the presence of the Spirit and have life. It is the Spirit of God that gives direction, guidance, knowledge, wisdom and counsel for life, the Spirit guides you with holy desire. It is dangerous not to live by the life of the Spirit. The Spirit gives  the breath of life, He breathes on the believer and brings the believer to the place of devine understanding and lumination, to know all things, you can not just get it wrong with the Spirit. That is why christians are called upon to live by and walk by the Spirit.  The converse is true, living by the flesh or by sin is death and eternal destruction. Anyone that lives by the flesh is dead and condemned. To live by the law of sin is to walk after what you see, hear, feel, touch and taste, that is a limited life. Many in the church today are operating by the law of sin and death. The law of sin and death will take a toll on your life energy and strength, will drain you of the joy of life. The problem we are confronted with globally today is as a result of sin. Economies are dead today, visions of individuals and countries are dead because of sin, the passion of many christians are on recession because of sin, sin will take away everything the Lord has given you, stay away from the law of sin and death now ! The only way to avoid the law of sin and death is to live by the  Spirit. 
May the Holy Spirit help you to live according to the will of the Spirit and may the Lord Jesus open to you uncommon doors of blessing in Jesus name.
Watch and pray
Good Morning
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro


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