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 Psalms 118:5-7

I called upon the Lord in distress: the Lord answered me, and set me in a large place. The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? The Lord taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. 
Precious The Answers to your Prayers will come Speedily. Every Plan and Programme from the Kingdom of Darkness to bring you down shall Instead Work in your Favour. You and your Household shall be Moved to the Zenith of your Good dreams, Hopes, Vision and Aspirations at the Appointed Time.I Decree Greater Rewards for all your Labour. God will bring out Something Great from your Expectations, there will be Serious Confusion in the Camp of your Adversaries and all those Against the Fulfilment of your Destiny shall  Tremble and Fall before You in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Have a Gracious Day.


Ps.91.1 - He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91 presents the world as a battle ground where various evils occur. The passage mentions about the “terror by night“,”arrow that flieth by night“, “pestilence“, and “destruction“. Woe to him that walks about with blindness in such a terrible place. Apostle Paul described the situation as a war with evil spiritual forces of darkness-“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph.6:12).
In those ancient times, cities or nations used to have fortresses or towers. These were places of safety. They  were characterized by thick walls and high raised portions on the wall wherein a watchman would stand to observe and alert people in case of any approaching danger.
In case of danger and you were outside the gates, you would run into the fortress for your protection. As a Born Again child of God you also need to live in the fortress of God’s Word. This world is dark and our true protection lies in the revelation of God’s counsel for our life.
Dare to come to the secret place of the Most high and do not leave the secret place but dwell there. Your safety and protection in this wicked and crooked generation is not guaranteed if you do not dwell in the secret place. The maintenance of your ignorance about the battle of life gives the devil an advantage over your life. We need to understand the rules of engagement and know how to wage war in this life. This world is not fair and you would never get what you deserve, you must fight and be schooled in the journey of life. The secret place is where God dwells, coming to church is not the same as being in the secret place, the secret place of the Most High must be understood and it must be the quest of every believer to dwell there. 
The Old Testament Temple had the outer court where everyone could get access to and come and offer their sacrifices, meet friends and pay their tithes and offerings, I call this level one and the lowest level. At this level, you can meet everyone including Satan and all his cohorts. This level represent our body, everyone has access to your body including the devil .You can not wage war from your body, that is with your own strength, you will fail!  The Holy Place was limited to some people, only the high priest could go there. At the Holy place was  the lamp with seven branches which must burn and give light continually, the show bread was also at this level, and I call it level two. This is the soulish realm of humanity. This realm is the realm of intellectual power and capacity, this realm is the realm of understanding, what we read and understand. Do not forget, we have been told by the scripture that we are the temple of God, which is a prototype of the Old Testament temple. We may think we are very powerful at the soulish realm until we come to the Holy of Holiest, level three and the highest realm of life. This is the realm of the spiritual where the Presence of God dwells. Always remember that the Presence of God is not in your body, neither your soulish realm but in the realms of the spirit. Many christians have not arrived at this level  of spiritual growth and development. The devil can not access this realm where the Presence of God dwells. In your body and soulish realm, the devil will attack you and overcome you. You need to lift up your battles from the body and soulish realm to the realms of the Devine,  the place of the Presence which is called the SECRET PLACE. There  is strength and vitality in the secret place, there is joy in the secret place, there is peace in the secret place, there is knowledge in the secret place. In the secret place everything is possible. This is the realms of the prophetic where you command and it becomes a reality, you speak from the place of authority far above all principalities and dominions. My assignment is to take you from the realm of the flesh( body), carnality, fear, timidity, sin, hatred, selfishness, jealousy, anger, pain to the realms of the PRESENCE. This is where your safety is guaranteed. You do not have safety just because you go to church, dare to come to the presence of the Most High. This is where we get access to the angelic hosts and living creatures, this is where real fellowship takes place. In the realms of the PRESENCE, there is no time, there is no age, the is no lack, there is no darkness and there is no light, God Himself is the light.
Can you imagine what many  Christians are losing because they  have not come to the place of His Presence? Just going to church on Sundays does not guarantee your safety, be watchful and pray, fast, eat the word of God, spend time with God and dare to come to His presence. Do not just build your body with six pack and beautify your skin and leave your spirit with malnutrition and growth retardation. In the Presence, you do not need a stage light, God Himself is the light. This message is coming from the PRESENCE, am enjoying the fellowship of the Spirit, our fellowship with God does not happen in our mind but our spirit. Stay tune as I take you from the first realm into the third realm of fellowship.
May you never lack the Presence, may you be empowered to rise to the place of the presence in Jesus name.
Watch And Pray
Good Morning
Rev. Jefferson  Kwasi Agbotro


Ps.89.20 - I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him:

     David was discovered by the Lord among the sheepfolds and recognised as a man of gracious spirit, full of faith and courage, and therefore fit to be leader in Israel.
With my holy oil have I anointed him. By the hand of Samuel, David was anointed to be king long before he ascended the throne. The verse must also be expounded of the Prince Emmanuel; he became the servant of the Lord for our sakes, the Father having found for us in his person a mighty deliverer, therefore upon him rested the Spirit without measure, to qualify him for all the offices of love to which he was set apart. We have not a Saviour self appointed and unqualified, but one sent of God and divinely endowed for his work. Our Saviour Jesus is also the Lord's Christ, or anointed. The oil with which he is anointed is God's own oil, and holy oil; he is divinely endowed with the Spirit of holiness for his office and assignment .
There is a great difference between being anointed by the Lord and being anointed by men. You first need to be discovered by the Lord through the Holy Spirit before the anointing can rest visibly on your life. It is the Holy Spirit who anoints us for service. You can be discovered by men without being discovered by the Lord, you can even be  given a clerical by men as a Minister of God without being discovered by the Lord. There are so many self appointed ministers, pastors, Prophets, apostles, evangelists, teachers in the body of Christ today. Self appointment brings self anointment and automatic self exaltation and self destruction . Be interested in being discovered by the Lord instead of men, be interested in being known by the Lord more than men, your discovery in this life and ministry must be of the Lord.   
      When you are discovered or found by the Lord, He ANOINTS you with His HOLY OIL. This oil, that is the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit brings you to the place of supernatural manifestation. It is the Holy Oil that brings establishment in every aspect of your life, the oil rearranges your destiny, the oil brings you to  the hall of fame, the Holy Oil brings honour, the Holy Oil brings soul peace, the Holy Oil is a guard and guide of your life against every evil and cohort of darkness. Who discovered you for the ministry and your life assignment? You will become a casualty in the journey of life if you move ahead of the Lord without being discovered by Him. Dare to seek for the Holy Oil, your head and life must not lack oil. This oil makes you untouchable, unkillable, undefeatable. The Holy Oil marks your life as a security zone and anyone that dares or attempts to touch your life risk his life. This Holy oil also brings wisdom, knowledge, devine insight, revelation of the Word and understanding in life. Am just enjoying the creaming of the Holy Oil as I write this message, the revelation to write is overflowing in my heart, more insight to bring leberation and freedom to the children of God. I feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit so much on my bed as I write this anointed message to you this morning. The Lord is anointing you this morning from your room now in Jesus name. As you prayerfully read and study this devotion, I declare and decree the reception of the Holy oil in Jesus name. You are protected by the Holy Oil, your family and business are  insulated by the Holy Oil. MAKATAYA : DO IT AGAIN  LORD.
Your life is being shifted this morning from the realms  of the prophetic to the realms  of physical manifestation. You are blessed in your generation, just abide in the Lord Jesus. 
You are receiving a shift in your family, business now, I smell something new in your life, you are blessed in your family and generation because of the Holy Oil.
Watch And Pray
Good Morning
Rev. Jefferson Kwasi Agbotro


Esth.3.13 - And the letters were sent by posts into all the king's provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to cause to perish, all Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, even upon the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, and to take the spoil of them for a prey.
     Be covered by the blood of Jesus against any satanic pronouncement, prediction, imagination, desire against your family, friends, business, loved ones and all those in your circle of influence. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I override every sentence and verdict of the evil one, I command every cohort of darkness orchestrating your down fall to catch fire in Jesus name. I declare and decree you are taking over your possession and territory in Jesus name. You are the head and not the tail, you shall succeed in your office and business this month, you are receiving indelible testimonies, favour and open doors are yours, new opportunities and access doors are opened in Jesus name. I deploy the sword of the Spirit against satanic altars and I negate every negative word and sentence against your life in Jesus name. I scatter every satanic meeting and gathering where you are the subject of discussions. Tables are being set before your in the presence of your enemies, the lines are falling to you in pleasant places, you shall be anointed with fresh oil, your cup is running over, goodness and mercy have decided to stay with you for the rest of your life.
Your mind shall be anointed with knowledge, understanding and wisdom. I hear the cry of the poor and you are the answer, I hear the cry of the blind and you are the answer, you are making history in your generation, you shall be the delight of many in your generation, you are an asset in your generation. This month, you shall birth great things, I see nations and greatness coming out of your loins. You shall survive every arrow and arsenal of the enemy in Jesus name. What kill others can not kill you, you are prevailing where others failed. You are becoming the heading line in town this month in Jesus name.
I enforce these decrees and declarations upon your life in Jesus name.
Shout " I receive it in Jesus name".
Rev. Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi
God's General
Watcher of Destinies


One of the greatest prayers you must pray is that God should make you wiser than your enemies. Victory begins when your wisdom surprises the enemy's wisdom. You can ask God to endow you with enough wisdom to overcome the enemy and sing the victor's song. Wisdom is a powerful weapon of war. The Wisdom of God will enable you to tackle the enemy effectively and overcome every tactics of the

wicked one. Walk in wisdom my friend and have a great day



Heb.11.6 - So, you see, it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that there is a God and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. [NLT]
        The human race do not have problem in believing in the existentiality of viruses, bacterial, fungi, stars, atmospheric pressures, the law of gravity, believing in human reports, human philosophies and theories of humanities. Why is this so? There is however problem and challenge in believing in God and His word! The  daily attack on the faith of christians   on  wether or not God exists from many platforms in our generation, wether or not God created the world, wether or not  Jesus is the Saviour of the world, wether or not Jesus was and is God, wether or not Jesus truely died and resurrected, wether or not Jessus would be coming back again, wether or not there is life after death, wether or not marrying more than one is a breach of the sacred books, wether or not christians should engage in corrupt practices and call it the order of the day and the list is endless?
              These statements and theories indicts and casts slur on the foundation on which our faith is built, Christ - the solid rock. The devil is a long term and intelligent planner who has knowledge and sometimes wisdom than most church folks, he moves subtly and comes to steal the substance of your faith. If the devil wants to destroy you, he first makes you to doubt God and His Word; His promises and prophesies about your life. It must be stated on records that our faith as Christians is built on Christ, the solid rock. Our faith has great foundation that can not be shaken by any turbulence, storm, or trouble. The 21st century Christian needs to school himself in the subject matter of faith and hold on to your  faith strongly to the end, the devil is after your faith not your money, if the devil can get your faith he can get your real life. There are many church folks who are not well grounded in the scriptures  and the provisions that God has made for them  on daily basis in order to debank the lies and the arguments of the devil against their  faith. 
Faith is so crucial that we can not be saved without it, we can not please God without it, we can not receive anything from God without faith.
Faith is said to be the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen; I do not need to see but I believe, that is faith. Incontrovertibly, the scripture is our legal book that shows the roadmap of our salvation and various provisions God has for us, without knowing the scriptures, forget about your benefit!
           There is a reward of faith as the text today clearly states, faith has a reward. That is to say, believing in Christ, confessing with your mouth to be saved, and laying hold on the various provision of the scriptures for your life brings life time  reward. Living a righteous life rewards, living a chaste life rewards, living truthful and honest  life rewards, deligence in serving God rewards, prayer is an act of faith in response to God, prayer rewards, studying the Word of God rewards, meditating on the word rewards, paying your tithe rewards, giving to God and His Kingdom rewards, sacrifice rewards. These acts of faith brings daily revival and inner strength that keeps you walking with God on daily basis. Your morning devotions rewards, your benefit will come and be evident to all. There is a point where God brings His children who have deligently responded in faith to that everyone sees and marvels, this must be God! Do not be deceived, do not be mislead, the devil has diffused so many lies into this generation! Watch Out for the 21 lies of the devil coming soon!
Be on guard, police and guard your faith with all deligence, do not joke with fellowship meetings/ your prayer meetings and Bible studies, do not replace them with anything, nothing is worth its value. God will reward your faith response, keep up the fire  burning, keep eating the word, speak out your faith, take an action predicated on your faith in Him.
     May the Holy Spirit reward your faith and deligent service, your service in Him is never in vain, do not give up, if you have fallen in faith, rise up again with greater strength now in Jesus name.
Watch And Pray
Good Morning
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro
Senior Pastor
Watchers' Chapel International ( WCI)


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