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My name is Sena Adjo Kpeklu, a Nursing Officer( NO),  currently pursuing Residency in Paediatric Nursing at the Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives (GCNM). Had my secondary school education at Awudome Secondary School in the Volta Region and proceeded to study diploma in General Nursing at Ho Nursing Training College,  BSc. Nursing from the West End University College and currently at the Ghana College of  Nurses & Midwives (GCNM). Growing up I used to admire how my dad who is a nurse cared for people in our community and also admired the passion with which my aunty practiced as a nurse thus picked up the desire and enthusiasm from them and pursued it. As young as 7 years, I could hold babies for injections to be administered to them and I could visit the theater and watch how procedures were carried out. I must say am fulfilled as a professional nurse. 
 I did my rotation at the now Ho Teaching Hospital in 2009 and thereafter, I was posted to Kade Government hospital and after 2 years had a transfer to St. Luke Catholic Hospital in Apam and have remained there until school. I spent most of my career working in the Paediatric ward. Have served as the Gomoa West GRNMA chairperson and currently the Resident Representative on the GCNM Governing Board. Been a PTA 1st Vice chairperson and PTA committee member in my children’s schools, was a deputy ward in charge before school and the course representative at GCNM. I also served as the resource person and secretary to Calsen Health Consult annual health screening for children in the Central Region (Compassion International).I also serve as the Sunday School teacher at church. My greatest achievement was when my dream of specializing in Paediatric nursing became a reality. Have received a couple of awards. In 2015 I was awarded as the best graduating student in BSc. Nursing and also in 2016 the best nurse for Gomoa west district. I think health heroes with respect to nursing are not celebrated enough.
The greatest challenge I can identify in nursing is lack of the needed resources to work with and the lack of confidence in nurses. The way forward: the needed resources especially the basic ones should be provided at all levels of care to help nurses give out their utmost best in their various capacities. To add to that, we need to build up our self confidence in the performance of our professional duties and be abreast with current trends of practice. I would advice the upcoming and young professionals to READ, READ, READ !! and be abreast with best practices which are evidenced based, be open minded, respect and dignity for all and be professional at all times. Brighten the corner where you are.
 I would want to acknowledge my parents, my husband Caleb Mawutor Dzunu who is my number one cheerleader, my Nurse Manager of St. Luke Catholic Hospital, Sr. Theodora Bonney Abbey and Sr. Mary Magdalene Arthur Mensah and my dear Rector Miss Hannah Acquah of GCNM and my close-knit family and friends.
    As we share these stories of celebrated health professionals in Ghana, we seek to inspire young and upcoming health professionals to live up to expectation. Share the stories and live your comments as we celebrate Nurses globally today.
Rev. Jefferson Agbotro



   CONGRATULATION Miss Linda Lartey!!! 
     The world Health Organization ( WHO) has dedicated the year 2020 as the year to recognize the valuable contributions made by Nurses and Midwives world wide, celebrate them for their meticulous and therapeutic care render to humanity. In this regard, FOHA & JAK CONSULT is celebrating health professionals across the country for dedication especially in this period of the COVID-19 pandemic where more sacrifice is needed in the duty of care. Our heroe today is a Senior Nursing Officer ( SNO) at the Sunyani Municipal Hospital, she is the Nurse in charge of the Emergency Department.  
      Miss Linda Lartey attended  school at Koforidua in the Eastern Region of Ghana from 1999-2001
Proceeded to Nurses training college at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital ( KATH) in Kumasi from 2002-2005 
 She worked at the  Effiduase district hospital, Ashanti region of Ghana  where  she held the position of the general ward in charge after working under a senior colleague for 3 years. she was   transferred to the Sunyani municipal hospital in 2010 to join her husband. By dint of hard work and the quest for knowledge and professional development ,  she was   granted a study leave to further her  education at KNUST where she obtained a Bsc in Emergency Nursing in 2015. After school she  was made  the Nurse manager manager   of the Emergency  Department (6-bed capacity ward) and with the assistance from the hospital's management and some other colleagues ( Master  Samuel Boahen,  Miss Irene Bonsing) she was   able to secure some funds to renovate the hospitals old surgical ward to move the emergency unit in order to  meet the increasing demand for clients and to give patients quality care  and increase emergency preparedness.
  Are u fulfilled as a Nurse? Yes, I am, I love my job, I love what I do ,growing up,  I had always wanted to be  in the health sector,to save lives and that's exactly what God gave me. I serve with the heart of gratitude to God and paying my due to humanity.
 What do you see as the greatest challenge in the Nursing profession now? Decline in the quality of care.This is due to mass springing up of training colleges producing half-baked nurses.Some of them being there for various reasons and not the love for the work and it reflects in their performance and output when they are  finally posted .
What is your advice  to the upcoming nurses: ✓Believe in yourself and persevere. 
✓Treat all patients with respect ,love and dignity as you would love someone do for you or a loved one.
✓Respect for all- authority, both junior and senior colleagues
What is your recommendation ?
  ✓ The  Nursing & Midwifery Council ( NMC) and      Ministry of Health (MOH) should come together to regulate these training colleges.
✓The MOH should also consider employing only tutors who have some number of years of experience at the ward or bedside to teach in those institutions .
Appreciation: I would like to thank the Almighty God, my  dearest husband-Mr Ebenezer kyere-Buabeng who always motivates  and  encourages me to push further.
my mother in-law who has  being  very supportive with regards to caring for my kids during my training at KNUST
the current Chief Nursing Officer (CNO), Mrs Mary Boakye(former Deputy Director of Nursing Services of Sunyani Municipal Hospital).
The current Deputy Director of Nursing Services( DDNS)of the Sunyani Municipal hospital  and her deputy-Mrs Emily Oduro and Madam  Mercy Fordjour
She is  married with 3 wonderful kids.
    Join FOHA & JAK CONSULT to celebrate professionals like Miss Linda Lartey for her wonderful contributions she is making to the health sector of Ghana at the Sunyani Municipal hospital, as we celebrate these heroes, we inspire all health professionals especially Nurses and Midwives who forms over 60% of the health workforce in Ghana. In this year of the Nurse and midwife, you are going to read and share the stories of many unsung heroes of health across the country. Share and like, comment, let her know how her Nursing care has impacted your life either as a client or as a colleague at the worry place. The mega Health Heroes Award will be coming on the 3rd of October, 2020.
Let us celebrate people whiles they are alive, good Nurses still exist.
For a health Heroe to be featured in our editorials, what'sapp on : +233 249727900
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi ( JAK)


Help FOHA celebrate one of its hardworking Volunteers, midwife passionate about putting smiles on the face of her clients. It is the passion to serve that drives her services. We appreciate your valuable and worthwhile contributions towards the FOHA vision. On this special day, we say Ayekoo, bravo ! Soar higher and higher and make greater impact. Help me celebrate a meticulous and hardworking midwife today as this year marks the year of the Midwife.
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi




_*Dr Gabriel Gbiel Benarkuu has established a private university affiliated to University for Development Studies. The university offers undergraduate and post graduate degrees in Community and Organisational Development certification programmes.*_

_*Additionally, Gabriel is a CSO Manager, coordinating and Managing over 382 CBOs, NGOs and FBOs in Ghana, working in the health sector in all 16 Regions and 201 districts.*_

Dr Gabriel Gbeil Benarkuu alias Benasco was admitted to the Science class along side Dr Latif, Keteku Asari, Abdul- Malik, Samuel Kalari among others in February, 1993 graduating in December, 1995. Infact everybody in the Science class was a friend. He also had more friends and brothers outside his class eg. Macho. At the right time Macho will tell his story about this man. Benasco, as he was affectionately called was affiliated to Cabral house. T. A. Mahama was not only his Head of Department, but also the housemaster. He held no position at GHANASCO.

_*Now who is this man?*_
Dr Gabriel Gbiel Benarkuu is a social entrepreneur and have created a Non-profit Organization (NGO) which has transformed people and communities in Ghana; He is currently leading the Ghana Coalition of NGOs in Health (GCNH) to implement a projects in Ghana for over 382 NGOs in the health sector.

Dr Benarkuu has over 22 years of experience in Community Development; Health Promotion and Health Education. His expertise ranges from:
1⃣ Hygiene, water and sanitation, since 1998 - Ghana Guinea Worm Eradication Programme (1998), Ghana Rural/Urban Water and Sanitation programme (2017)
2⃣ Trained Gender and Development Programmer with emphasis on project design, implementation, integration, social accountability and post implementation.
3⃣ In the area of primary healthcare, Gabriel plays an important role in Ghana, having been trained as primary healthcare agent since 2000. He advocates using existing global conventions/treaties and National Policies to influence changes in the health sector in Ghana. He has a lot of publications (Sociological and Community Medicine) to his advantage.
4⃣ Dr Benarkuu is specialized in rights based approach to development and applies it in Social accountability as well as public services.
5⃣ As a Universal Access to Health Coverage (UAHC) Campaigner, Gabriel has organized various fora and press releases, as well as position papers to demand accountability from state agencies.

Dr Benarkuu, a competent Sociologist, Psychotherapist, Organisational Development (OD) and Community Development (CD) specialist as well as Social Entrepreneur, is a Fundraiser and Grants Management Specialist. He has helped over 155 CSOs in Africa in raising funds for their missions and doing social good.

_*In summary, Benarkuu is a public health advocate, Health promoter, Health Systems Strengthening Facilitator, Gender and Development Advocate, Immunization Campaigner, Policy Analyst, CSO Advisor and an Academician with strong Sociological background.*_

Dr Gabriel Gbiel Benarkuu holds Post graduate Diploma/MA from University of Cape Coast, MSc from University for Development Studies, Post graduate Certificate in Health Systems Strengthening from JHU, PhD (Organizational Development), (2015), AIU- Florida, USA and also PhD Candidate; Research on Sociological Medicine: Focus on Health System Strengthening (Ghana), UCN/Texilla America University (2017-2019)

Dr Benarkuu is married with 5 children; 3 girls and 2 boys.



For all your prayers and good will messages on all social media platforms, phone calls, silent prayers and so on on the ocassion of my birth day yesterday gladdened my heart and reinforced my commitment and dedication to God and that of humanity. It was indeed a global celebration looking at pockets of messages from many countries and Ghana my home land. Your messages and calls also served as a challenge to me, in the sense that a lot is expected of me and that I can not disappoint God and humanity. By the grace of God I promise to remain resolute and focused on my given assignment to the nations of the world. To those who supported my birth day outreach yesterday with their cash and kind donations, I want to say am very grateful for the support, it was a very successful outreach yesterday.
I invoke and activate the blessing in our text upon your life, as you wished and prayed for me, I demand double of that blessing upon your life. I ask for longevity, good health, devine acceleration, financial overflow and above all a life of fulfilment and pleasing to the Lord.
Good Morning
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi


DENIS ANSU GYEABOUR is the FOHA 2019 BEST VOLUNTEER. Last Friday was a special day in the history of FOHA where member volunteers and board members were brought together for a cocktail party to celebrate and network, reflect on strides and progress made in the year, celebrate and recognize best working volunteers and share the future outlook for sustainable development. It was an exciting moment to recognize volunteers like Denis who has to be on the frontline of FOHA projects for years now, his commitment and dedication in FOHA has been an outstanding one, unwavering and deserving commendation. This also serves as a medium to urge all who wants to volunteer with FOHA to get in touch, it also came as a challenge for all members to give out their best since more opportunities are coming for hardworking and outstanding volunteers. Let's celebrate people like Denis whose light is shingles across the world and bringing hope to the weak and vulnerable in society. Whatever that you will be, be a good one as said by Abraham Lincoln.

International Volunteer Day (IVD), is an opportunity for us all to promote volunteerism, encourage governments to support volunteer efforts and recognize volunteer contributions to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at local, national and international levels. 


At the UN, we are marking #IVD2019 with the theme "Volunteer for an inclusive future", highlighting SDG 10 and the pursuit of equality – including inclusion – through volunteerism.

Volunteering provides opportunities for people, particularly those often excluded, to concretely impact their own lives and play a constructive role in their communities by volunteering their time and skills.

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro



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