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Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)


Discipline, key to Competence


Prov.22.29 - Do you see any truly competent workers? They will serve kings rather than ordinary people. [NLT]

     I used to think that you can only pray and imagine yourself at the high table of life, however as I grow with the Lord and walk with Him, I have revised my opinion and philosophy of life. I realized one Key that unlocks one's potential and brings one  before Kings and men of prominence is discipline . It will take a man of discipline to rise up early before dawn and pray, study the word of the Lord and learn for life and not for an examination. Life is a learning process and to remain relevant in the game of life demands daily commitment to your gifts and talents giving to you. It will take having your quiet time every day, fellowship through the attendance of evening and Sunday services. All these mentioned activities demands a lot of discipline, commitment and resloution to your life assignment. As a pastor, I realize this rule does not exempt anyone, I must remain committed to my life assignment by spending time with the Lord in prayer and in daily studies of the word, this is what gives me audacity and confidence to speak and help the people that I lead. Working and at the same time pastoring for almost 10 years along side studies has not being an easy journey for me, however it has being worth the sacrifice. I have built my communication skills with time, relationship skills with time, wisdom and knowledge has come with time, catching God's vision for my life with time, the journey has being full of discipline. I read and invest most of my time in developing my gift and calling in order to be useful to the Lord. The prophetic word alone is not enough, the vision alone is not enough, the inspiration alone is not enough, the talking alone is not enough, discipline is key to becoming the best version of your life. One must learn to say No to certain things in life especially when one is hungry and in need, many have destroyed their ministry because they were not discipline enough to remain committed to God and their assignment. My few years of experience in leadership in a lot of domains and pastoring for some time now have revealed that some people are not just serious and committed to doing their life. Most church folks spend time talking and discussing others instead of focusing on themselves and God's assignment for their lives. Discipline is knowing when to talk and when not to talk, when to sleep and when to rise up, when to go to work and when to leave and so on, when to be with people and when to be alone. This is what brings skills and competence that takes you to the arena of Kings and prominent men, this sets one apart from all others, this brings the mark of separation between achievers and failures in life. Always remember : No one can be committed to your life than You yourself. 

There is no time to keep on postponing and blaming people for your life, the earlier you remain discipline to your call and gifts the better you will be! Just remain focus and resilient and the rest will be history. I have seen and experience this key myself, try it and see !

Watch and pray

Good Morning

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi

Senior Pastor


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