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Life is a delegated responsibility

 Watchers' chapel International


Responsibility, Key to Talent Discovery


Matt.25.14 - "It's also like a man going off on an extended trip. He called his servants together and delegated responsibilities. [MSB]

    Good Morning and welcome to the series on Talent or gift discovery in life. Everyone on earth was given a special gift with which to serve the Lord and others. When the talents are discovered and used to the maximum of God's glory and solving the problem of humanity, it brings true satisfaction and joy to the heart of that person. The scripture above is talking about the kingdom of God, liken to a man travelling to far country and delegated responsibility to his three servants according to their several abilities. Two accepted the responsibility of working with the Talents whiles one never did anything with the talent or gift received, he rather  used his energy to dig the ground and burried it till his master arrived. What a waste of time and destiny for this man!   

    We can learn from the text that two of the servants accepted responsibility and took charge of the gift that was given to them, put it to work and hard profit at the return of their master. Their master rewarded them for faithfulness in taking responsibility whiles the last servant who burried his talent was reprimanded and put into jail for wasting the talent and not even investing it for the master. The Master in our text is a typology of Jesus Christ who has given gifts or talents to us all especially christians who are regenerated and recreated to serve Him and humanity. The first key of discovering this talent is accepting responsibility that may seem small and just being faithful to the Lord Jesus. Many have received the gift of wisdom, knowledge, leadership, giving, service, ministering in songs, preaching and teaching, administration, and the list continuous, but have rejected or neglected those responsibility and have become less productive in the kingdom of God. This rejection or neglect of responsibility leads to sorrow and resentfulness especially when others who accepted responsibility are given more gifts and talents again by dint of their faithfulness. The first steps to discovering your gift is to accept responsibility, do all you can to bring results to your Lord and savior, be faithful to that little office, be loyal to that little responsibility, discharge your duty with care and wisdom, work hard and become deligent, work with all your heart at any responsibility given you, for that is your training grounds to your next level of life and ministry, do not waste time in life dodging responsibility, accept it now and live to it, do not reject or neglect the call of God upon your life. More gifts and talents are given to those who have accepted responsibility in the kingdom and life. 

Have you accepted responsibility or neglected responsibility of your gifts and talents? The answer lies in your heart, make a decision from this point now, there is no  time, be committed to your talent and gift now.

May the Lord Jesus help you to discover your talent and be serious about it in Jesus name

Watch and pray

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro

Senior Pastor


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