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Serving with Your Gift brings you to Prominence in Life

Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)


Serve with the same gift 


1Pet.4.10 - As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. [KJV]

    In this text the apostle Peter through the Holy Spirit is presenting to us a different and precise  view of the various endowments and abilities we all have by way of giftings or if you like potentials or better still capabilities. We must first and foremost correct the notion of owning every gift we have, but rather see ourselves as stewards and care takers of the varied gifts. We should see it as a great privilege and an honour to be given any opportunity to serve God and humanity. All the gifts you have : spiritual, intellectual, entrepreneurial, leadership, preaching, teaching, speaking, inventing, initiating, administrating, counseling, medical wisdom and knowledge, business ideas, are all endowments from the Lord such that you can serve Him and humanity with it. The Lord gets excited when you operate at maximum peak of your gift or potentials. When you reflect on this idea of being a Steward of God's gifts and abilities, it will keep you humble all the time and cause you to serve the Lord unreservedly and reaching to humanity with same ability. Too often than not, we see many christians fasting and praying for more gifts and abilities whiles they have refused to honour God with what they have and also serve humanity with their endowment. Looking at life from this perspective opens the floodgate of compassion and love in your heart. You will not only serve God but also humanity. What concerns humanity like issues of health, economic freedom and restoration of human dignity across the globe will radiate through your heart all the time, you will be concerned about those dying from malaria and Typhoid across the world, you will be concern about leadership and governance issues especially in your country of domicile. As you see these needs of humanity across your community, it provokes and invokes your gifts and calls it into action and work, and the rest will be history. 

    In conclusion, do not look outside, just look into your spirit, your heart, and look at the needs around you, God will always connect your gifts with needs and that is success and divine response to your call. Never wait till you are old before you start serving the lord and others, even children at age 5, 10 can even serve the Lord and humanity with their gifts. Use your own gifts to serve the Lord and others, if it is speaking, speak as an oracle of the Lord and represent God and the vulnerable in society, that is true living and fulfilment in life.

May the Lord Jesus help you through the Holy Spirit to identify your gift and start serving with it now in Jesus name.

Watch And Pray

Good Morning

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro 

Senior Pastor


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