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Discovery, Key to Destiny


Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)


Discovery, Key to success


Exod.35.31 - The LORD has filled Bezalel with the Spirit of God, giving him great wisdom, intelligence, and skill in all kinds of crafts. 

    Imagine Bezalel as a medical officer, Nursing Officer or Lawyer or better still a politician, he would have missed his destiny for life. Why? He would be doing something that he has not being anointed for in life. The Lord anointed him with wisdom, understanding, skill, intelligence in all kinds of artistery, tapestry, designing,  he was anointed to work with gold, bronze , scarlet thread and fine linen. Bezalel would remain anointed and relevant so far as he walks in this calling, he would lose his anointing if he tries to be what he is not, not even being a preacher could restore that oil and grace. Many are walking in the arena of life imitating and wrongfully copying people's assignment and they lose their destiny and do not become relevant to their generation. Discovering your calling, assignment in this life is the first step to success. Some have being called as successful business men to push the kindgom business with their money yet they have missed their calling by putting themselves into the office of a pastor, others are called as singers and they have switched into the office of the prophet, others are called as administrators yet they have also missed their call, and the list continuous. This has led to the chaos and the anarchy that we have in our world today, having square pegs in round hole. It may take a lot of years to discover your real call, but you must discover it and fulfill that call. Walking in your call or what I call " walking in your office" is what brings true success and inner satisfaction. Always do the check in your heart to verify your real Anointing in life. The Oil of Bezalel brings discovery and identity in life. This month, I would be teaching and preaching on " Discovering your gift, key to Influence". Stay tune and touch as I bring you devine keys to unlock your destiny.

    May the Lord bless and keep you, may you not waste your lifetime energy running someone's race, discover your identity, know your calling, pay the price to be relevant and useful to the Lord. Spend time with the Lord in prayer and the word and the rest will be history. May you discover your call in Jesus name.

Welcome to the month of  DISCOVERY, OCTOBER

Good Morning

Watch and pray

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro

Senior Pastor


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