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Ps.1.3 - And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. [KJV]
   Welcome to the 9th edition of the Watchers' voice to shape and bring your life into focus and alignment with the will of God. Reflecting on our topic : PLANTED BY THE RIVERS ! Why does God liken  the man who does not walk according to the counsel of the ungodly to a tree planted by the rivers of living water? What are the characteristics of a tree planted by the rivers of living water? We shall be answering the following questions in our devotion today, welcome and stay tune !
       A tree that is planted by the rivers of water has access to all the minerals in their right proportion for growth and fruit bearing. Because the tree is planted by the rivers, its roots are deeply rooted and has no fear of drought and adverse condition. The leafs  of such trees are ever green and flourishing. When leafs of other trees are turning brown and falling, the tree planted by the rivers of water is never disturbed. The tree by the rivers has the assurance of fruit bearing and survival. Why will God use this typology to describe the righteous? The believer must reflect and meditate on this scripture for insight and useful lesson !
       Your life as a Christian is compared to the tree planted by the rivers of water. You are supposed to have deep root as a Christian, your foundation must be firmly rooted in Christ Jesus such that no situation or circumstance should be able to pull you out. You need to be well grounded in Chrit Jesus and His Word. Your union and fellowship with the Holy Spirit and the Son Jesus ( the Word) establishes your foundation on a solid rock that can not be moved. The Christian whose foundation is in Christ can not be moved by economic tides, political tides, recessions, changes, turbulences, and name them. Why? Because you are rooted in Christ the solid rock and anchored by the Holy Spirit ( Rivers of living water). This is what gives the assurance of your fruit bearing. You will definitely bear fruit in all aspects of your life because of this truth and reality of who you are. You only need to be planted by the rivers. If you are not bearing fruit, then check the soil on which you are planted, check the river, maybe it is a swimming pool that is dirty.
     Every Christian who fulfils the conditions of righteous in Psalm 1 bears fruit in his season. It is important to note that everyone has his season of fruit bearing. Trust God and the process of growth and development, at the right season and time, your fruit will be evident to all, walk before the Lord, fear the Lord and depart from evil, check your soil !
   May your leaf never wither in Jesus name, may you prosper in all your undertakings in Jesus name.
Your voice shall be heard  and registered in your generation in Jesus name, mark my words!
Watch And Pray
Good Morning
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro
God's General


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