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Col.3.15 - Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. [NIV]
     " When you know that your life is being directed by God, regardless of the disappointments and challenges that may and will come, you will have inner peace and joy"... Russell M. Nelson
         You can be on the  UN Peace mission and yet not have peace in your heart, you can be on the  Peace Council and not have peace yourself. You can be rich and affluent in the sight of the world and yet be the most distressed and disappointed in life. You can even be a pastor and yet not have peace. Peace ruling in your  heart is not a small commodity, but a coveted gift of God.                                
         How do you feel when you have anxiety ruling your heart? The brain sends signal to your body to increase your heart rate, respiration rate ans corresponding increase in blood pressure.  You would be killing yourself slowly when you do not have peace ruling in your heart. A person without heart peace looks older than the real age, looks depressed, disorganized and presents with a nauseating outlook. Do not trade your inner peace for anything on earth. 
      The world is full of people with casual peace : outward happiness but looks depressed inside. Always remember that the invisible controls the visible, the unseen controls the seen, what is inside ( the heart) controls what is outside.
 A lot of medical and even surgical conditions are precipitated by lack of heart peace among people. Lack of peace in your heart facilitates  the release of stress hormones, hence unexplained conditions among certain population.
       On the other hand, inner peace and joy produces reduced heart rate, respiration rate and lowered blood pressure. Such people seems to have good outlook and appearance, more organized and have the ability to maintain good relationship, are emotionally balanced. Seek for heart peace, you can be in the midst of trouble and yet have peace, you can be disappointed by issues and circumstance and yet have heart peace. This peace can not be bought by academic credentials and office position, nor status. Heart peace only comes by accepting Jesus and allowing Him to reside in your heart and guide you through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comforts us with the comfort of God in the midst of all the trials and troubles we  may and will hopefully go  through in life. That was why Paul even in prison, could write books like Philippians and admonish the recipients to rejoice again and rejoice. How could a prison inmate have peace to write one of the best books in the Bible?
        How could Daniel have peace in the lion's den?
How could Joseph have the inner fortitude and tenacity to remain resilient and purposeful in the prison? Joseph was misrepresented and was sentenced without a trial, yet he was peaceful and was in service at the prison. 
         Not being able to carry out your normal Christian duties and life duties in the midst of trouble and challenges is a positive sign of not having inner peace. Many men of God today are not even having inner peace, they are seen to be happy but inwardly cry and feel depressed after the leave the pulpit. Your peace must be built on Christ, your peace must be solid and sure, nothing should shake up the foundation of your peace. If your peace is based on the possession of political power and position, you would lose that peace when you lose power.
       I command peace to be still in your life now in Jesus name. I command peace in your marriage now, I command peace in your family now, I command peace in your finances now, I command peace in your ministry now, I command peace in your academics now, I command peace in the storm now, I command peace to rule in that community now, Let there be peace among Ghanaians now in Jesus name. Jesus was asleep in the midst of the stop, what a Man of peace that the world have ever know! Jesus is the prince of peace.
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Rev.Jefferson Agbotro
God's General


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