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Watchers' Chapel International ( WCI)
 Planted by the rivers
Psalms 1:3
"He will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, which gives its fruit at the right time, whose leaves will ever be green; and he will do well in all his undertakings."
Living a consecrated, Holy life and eschewing the company of evil is being compared to a tree planted by the rivers of water. Can you imagine the growth and development rate of that tree by the rivers? A tree by the rivers takes root downwards and bears fruit upwards, that tree survives drought and adverse weather conditions and has longevity. Nothing brings fruitfulness than living a righteous life and a life devoid of evil and anything that condemns you in your conscience ( spirit) and mind ( soul) , that is sin and evil. Any engagement and relationship and transaction that does not bring peace to your heart and mind is evil, and can not stand the test of time. Departing from evil gives you a great foundation and an anchor in the Lord that can not be moved by any storm and turbulence in life. Fruit bearing and success becomes automatic, and productivity will come at the right time in your life. This kind of living brings your soul and heart to the place of stillness, quietness, peace in the midst of trouble. Avoiding evil company and communication brings one to prominence and the limelight of life, your success is not only in prayer and fasting, depart from evil and all its forms of appearances. Can you be compared to the tree planted by the rivers of water? If your life progress can not be compared to the tree by the rivers of water, then you have to do a self check and reconnect your spirit, soul and body to Jesus and be grafted in Him.
What a blessing it is to share this word with you as the Holy Spirit leads me this morning!
May the Lord bless and keep you from all forms of evil and may the Lord anoint you with the Spirit of Holiness in Jesus name.
Watch And Pray
Good Morning
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro
Senior Pastor


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