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Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)




John.9.5 - As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. [KJV]

     The text for today are the words of Jesus Himself about His identity and function in the world. If Jesus said " I am the light of the world" and we are Christ's ambassadors and representatives on earth, then His Vision and mission statement must  also be our own. Oh how beautiful and fulfilled we shall be if we can catch this revelation from the word today! As long as you are in that office, as long as you are in that family, as long as you are in that profession, as long as you are in that community, as long as you are in that country, You are the light there. Jesus Christ did not bring another religion with creeds and laws, He brought as the realities of heaven, Jesus is the light in heaven, there is no need for the light of the sun or VRA bulbs in heaven because the lamb of God Himself is the light that shines miles away from the throne, no sin and wickedness of man can be hidden before that marvelous light of God. In which way are you becoming light in your corner and daily life? We are called out of the world and sent back to the world with our light. 

  Being the light of the world means being a solution to the myriads of problems and issues confronting your community, country and continent, you become a global citizen beaming and reflecting the light of our Lord Jesus. As people see your interventions and solutions to daily problems they will give glory to your Father and Lord in heaven. Many christians themselves are wallowing in gross darkness and it is difficult for them to be light to their generation. Christianity is a call to higher life, is a call to different world view and perspective. My work as a pastor and as a social activist brings me  in contact with many christians and have realized how ignorant most are on basic and fundamental issues of Christianity. Many have embraced the dogma and the old preserved traditions of "their  churches" to the neglect of the light that Christ brings, they are never ready to change from those errorneous teachings and doctrines. I will not blame them much because those teaching them too have not being schooled in the devine oracles, and have limited christianity to only the casting out of demons . Such people have the doctrine of darkness deeply entrenched in their minds because of the false teachings and the half baked truth they have being hearing for years.Just be the light and every demon and forces of darkness shall flee from you. Change for Christians have being difficult because of the wrong teachings and messages others have heard which has programmed their minds wrongly and no wonder most christians are failing the Lord. To be a light in the world, you must first appreciate who Christ was in the world, as He is so are we in this world. Nothing brings liberation, deliverance and liberty than the teachings of the right word from the pews to the pulpit. You must be very careful about whose message and teachings you are listening to, because that makes you. Since I got to know Christ, I have being very careful whom I listened to and those I call " mentors/ spiritual father's". Be watchful! Be careful of false ministries and messages.

Be the light in your office today and forever in Jesus name.

Watch and pray

Good Morning

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro

Senior Pastor


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