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 Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)


You shall suprise many


Luke.2.47 - And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.

   As Jesus' questions and contributions became a suprise and a wonder to many at age 12, so shall the words of your mouth be, you shall be a solution to your generation, you shall solve hard sentences, you shall be an epitome of wisdom and a citadel of knowledge, you shall be a divine institution of of information . Your words and deeds shall outlive your age, you shall be the delight and the joy of many, mark my words! You will be equipped to ask relevant questions in life, you shall not be afraid but speak out as an oracle of divine manifestation, if your amen is louder, receive devine wisdom and knowledge to solve problems in Jesus name. 

I see you doing at 30 what others could not do at 60 years, you shall be a spring of life and fountain of soultion to your generation in Jesus name.

Watch and pray

Good Morning

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro 

Senior Pastor


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