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A two days Mass Casualty  workshop for staff of Accident & Emergency Unit of the Sunyani regional hospital ended with renewed skills, competencies and knowledge in handling accident victims. The workshop brought together staff of the Accident and Emergency Bay, Ward, theatre and other paramedical departments of the hospital as well as some Emergency   Nurses & Critical Care Nurse from the Sunyani Municipal hospital. The workshop forms part of the 2019 strategic plan put in place to ensure that all staff are equipped with adequate and current skills in handling accident victims. The workshop was two in one: theory and practicals ( moulage Simulation). A life scene was created where an accident case was announced, the emergency prepares to receive the victims of the accident. Various departments of the emergency got ready with all the necessary logistics and equipments. We had the commanding officer, communication officer, triage officer, logistics officer, Security officer, morgue attendant, ambulance driver, medical officer and various departments of the triage units: 

# Red Unit

# Yellow Unit

#Green Unit

# Black Unit

# Referral Unit

All the above Units were ready to receive their respective patients based on the results of the triage. I watched with much glee how skills and competence we're being displaced by the emergency response team. Two patients died in the accident scenario but later resurrected, 9 patients were in critical condition, 9 cases were stable, 6 patients were referred to the regional hospital sunyani for further medical management. As we have being seeing in accident cases, relatives and significant others try to come to the scene in their emotional attempt to help the helpless, security is needed in an emergency to situation to keep the traffic from interfering with the work of the health experts in such situations. A lot of people were drawn to the scene from various departments of the hospital to witness the simulation excercise.

   Facilitators : 

# Dr. Hanson Ayum Larnyor - Orthopaedic / Trauma surgeon

# Dr. K.Korankye -  HOD & Emergency Physician specialist

# Dorithy Boache - Emergency Nurse specialist

# Usman Numan - Emergency Nurse specialist


#  Veronica Apraku Mensah -  AE Theatre In charge

# Stanley Doe - Main theatre In charge

# Sie Broni - Anaesthetist

#  Lisah Peprah - AE ward In charge

# Irene Kumi - AE Bay In charge

#  Jamila Akua Boateng - Critical Care Nurse

# Linda Lartey - Emergency In charge, Sunyani Municipal Hospital

# Mercy Nyarko - Critical Care Nurse, Sunyani Municipal Hospital.

# Samuel Boahen - Emergency Nurse specialist - Sunyani Municipal hospital

# Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi - PRO Emergency Department. 

The Training has ignited Teamwork and Team Spirit at the department as staff are poised to work effectively to lift up the name of the regional hospital which is a referral centre withing the Bono region and beyond. The programme was proudly sponsored by the hospital management.

Media present : JAK MEDIA & CHARLES MEDIA.

Source : Eye witness by JAK media

CALL FOR PUBLICATION : 0249727900, whatsapline

    In in


    It is said and believed that Team  leadership and effective management is key to how things get done, and the hospital can not be an exception especially the theatre. As part of strategies the theatre supervisor of the regional hospital sunyani, Mrs.Eunice Oppong - Amoah and her in charges are putting in place to ensure that patients who come into the theatre have good post operative outcome, a one day workshop on Dynamic Team leadership building was organized today for all staff of Accident and Emergency theatre, Obstetric and Gynaecological theatre, and the main theatre ( CJ OPPONG theatre) to expand the candidness of  all nurses who have chargeship and duty at the theatres. Teamwork is key to successful surgery. The theatre work is purely team work and we can not work in teams  unless we know each other in a better way. The workshop was being facilitated by Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi -  A clinical Nurse and an OD specialist consult who is also part of the theatre team. Various models such as animal likeness: an OD tool was used to appreciate the various temparaments, strength as well as weakness of the team, look for areas of opportunity to leverage for sustained productivity. According to the OD specialist consultant, Teams do not just evolve, they must be built deliberately and consciously with wide range of activities and strategies aimed at improving team effectiveness, increasing productivity and increasing morale at the workplace, creating a congenial atmosphere and environment for team members to give constructive feedback for system improvement. Rev.Jefferson admonished all nurses to aspire and build themselves up for greater leadership since they form the majority of professionals in the health care industry. Factors that prevents effective team building as well as factors that promotes effective team building we're discussed in the form of group presentation, various questions and contributions were addressed. The OD specialist consultant adviced Nurses not to wait until they occupy positional leadership position before building skills and competencies, that agility and flexibility in the assimilation of knowledge is key  to the anticipated change in the nursing profession. Mrs.Eunice Oppong - Amoah on her part adviced all nurses to take charge of their units and ensure that the right things are done in order to improve upon good health outcome for their cherished clients. This is the first phase of the workshop, the second phase will capture all surgeons and anaesthetics. Mr.  Stanley Doe, the main theatre in charge on  behalf of the supervisor and the entire team thanked Rev.Jefferson for dedicated time and resources to help facilitate change at the hospital, that he should keep up with the good work done. Participants asked for more of such workshops, that it was very interactive and participatory. This workshops forms part of the strategies the Nursing administration of the Sunyani regional hospital is putting in place to ensure that all Nurses and midwives are taking charge of their duties and responsibilities and building a strong health team for good health outcome. The JAKCONSULT is PARTNERING with the NURSING Administration for its leadership & management development programmes.

Refreshment sponsored by : The 3 theatres

Consultation & Facilitation sponsored by : Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi, Lead Consultant of JAKCONSULT

Call to book for your training and OD services now : 0249727900


   As part of measures to improve upon Nursing care in the country, the Deputy Director of Nursing Services ( DDNS) of the Sunyani regional hospital, Ms. Martha Oppong- Gyargye brought all the In charges and their deputies from all the Units of the hospital, supervisors, Nursing Officers, Senior Nursing Officers, Midwifery Officers, Principal Nursing Officers, Principal Midwifery Officer, Senior Staff who have managerial and leadership chargeship to a one day workshop and capacity building on DYNAMIC TEAM BUILDING. This forms part of the measures put together by the Nursing administration to build the leadership & managerial competencies of Nurses and Midwives who have leadership and managerial duties aside their clinical duties. This programme was done in PARTNERSHIP with JAK CONSULT: aA registered Leadership & Management Consulting firm in Ghana that specializes in Leadership & Management Development and Organizational development. The Training was facilitated by Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi - A nurse & Leadership Training Consultant at the regional hospital. Key highlights of the programme was on consciously training and leaders on Team Building processes using Tuckman Forming Storming Norming Performing model. It came to light that Team Building is an activity that are carried out by organizations in order to increase productivity and increase profit margin with client satisfaction in mind. Rev.Jefferson also demonstrated pictorially how not working in teams at the health sector can be lethal to patients care. The DDNS of the hospital, her supervisors and incharges applauded Rev.Jefferson for the insightful presentation and they recommend the Team Building and others models to all staff of the facility and health care managers and leaders in hospitals across the nation in order to have the health care sector transformation envisaged by all. The DDNS entreated all incharges and supervisors to apply all the skills and knowledge acquired in their day to day activities, share their experience with their Team members in order to improve upon care delivery. The programme was also used to remind all in charges and supervisors  about the midyear review and how to prepare effectively.  



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Dr.Klu Dziedzorm Advices Parents to Connect with their Children


In these present day that we find ourselves doing two or more jobs to keep the family together, We parents may find ourselves often unable to give our best to our children.

Here are four tips we can make use of:

1. Come Home Relaxed: I marked a spot about 3 minutes drive home where I stop thinking about work and focus on home. I know the first 5 to 10 minutes after I get home is time to do hugs and take complaints from my children about what happened when I was away. Make time to listen to them. As much as possible don’t make it a routine that your spouse tells them you are tired, just factor in their workload too?. In my experience they soon leave you when they finish connecting with you.

2. Develop a Routine: it might be bedtime story telling, praying together, or sharing some snacks or eating a meal together. You may choose to routinely bath the kids in the morning, weekends, evening etc. it is best when it is predictable to the children.

3. Chat on the Phone: for parents who spend time working far from home, make time to call them and chat, you can use WhatsApp video’s, FaceTime or just the normal voice call.

4. Get a Family Time Together: It might be an evening you watch a movie together, play video games, take a walk or a car drive to buy your favourite ice cream, play some board games etc.

Remember children spell love T-I-M-E.

Share your thoughts with us and remember to like and follow this blog. ? Thank you




My Advice to professionals, Clara Beeri Kasser - Tee

My Advice to professionals

If you are a professional, chances are that you will work in a team sometime. If you have team work to do, and the team requests of you something as a professional you know is not right, tell the team that “ as a professional, it would be wrong of me to do ….”. The team may insist and demand that you still go ahead and do so. Don’t take it personal. It is only human. Your job is to stand your ground – that is why you are a professional. You may smile while you tell them, or frown while you tell them. But whatever style you choose, tell them. And stand your ground. If you are an employee, who must necessarily take orders against your professional judgement, have the order “on record”. Have your professional advice against the order “on record”. That is called professional integrity.

If you fail to stand your ground, and do as they  say, chances are that when there is trouble, this same team will turn on you and say “you are the professional why did you not ….” Worse still, they may say “what kind of professional are you”; “you have been negligent, incompetent, etc”, and no one will have any tears for you, (except of course your friends and family who may be willing to put the blame on some other person or thing except where it squarely belongs - on your shoulders).


Remember that a professional who is too timid to stand their professional ground is not much of a professional.


Any disagreement between two parties or people is termed as conflict technically. Is it possible to avoid conflict? The answer is a big NO. Managers and leaders must expect conflict in the workplace, especially in a stressful work like the nursing, medical profession and many corporate bodies. There is no organization without conflict. Conflict arises because of unmet needs, misconception, miscommunication, misinterpretation, personality difference, abuse of power, different values and belief system, lack of clear protocol and policy regarding work, emotions and feelings. Many times people allow their emotions to precede reality and sound judgments. This leads to premature judgment and conclusion on issues that later escalates and become a wild bush fire retarding productivity and effectiveness at work.


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