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    || Stakeholders Engagement with the Bono Regional Coordinating Council, FDA & Fiapre Traditional Council on Monday 30th January, 2023.
|| On Monday around 20:15 Hours, the FOHA Chief Executive Officer, Rev. Jefferson Kwasi Agbotro & the Project Director, Dr. Godfred Acheampong paid courtesy call on Directors of the above Ministries: Department of Children Affairs, Department of Gender, Ghana Education Service( GES), National Commission on Civic Education( NCCE), Information Department, Ghana Prison Services,  Food & Drug Authority( FDA) and the Fiapre Traditional Council.
|| The agenda and the purpose of the visit was to Engage these Key Stakeholders in the Upcoming " FOHA CHILD EMPOWERMENT PROJECT" in the Bono Region. The project scope was shared and inputs taken from the various Directors and the Traditional Council of Fiapre in order to enrich the project proposal for consolidation. FOHA Team was given the most warmest reception and all Directors pleadged their support and solidarity for the project that seeks to empower 2000 basic school students, 100 SHS students  from 30 schools in the Bono Region.
|| The objectives of the project are to inspire and build the confidence of the students, mentor the students in life choices, share menstrual pads to schools, engage the students in menstrual hygiene and teenage pregnancy. To also engage the students in quiz competition dubbed" Smart Governors Constitution Quiz" with strong partnership with NCCE. The quiz will seek to educate these young ones about their civic responsibility and the Constitution of Ghana and the governance framework of Ghana in order to raise responsible citizens for the future of corporate Ghana.
|| The Engagement ended at 15:20 Hours.
|| Special thank you to the Chief Director for endorsing the FOHA CHILD EMPOWERMENT PROJECT.
|| Thank you to all the Directors for endorsing the FOHA CHILD EMPOWERMENT PROJECT, thank you to the Nananom and the entire Fiapre Traditional Council.
|| Media Team : Plus Media, Joevia & FOHA Media Team


And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability, and immediately he went on a journey...Mathew 25:15

The parable of the talent explains the role of opportunity, hard work and accountability in our everyday life. In this life, God will always present you with an opportunity especially for His children who have covenant and daily fellowship with Him. What is an opportunity? Opportunities will always come in the form of assignments, invitation to speak, work, teach, learn, meet new people, in the business field, at the place of fellowship ( church), in the school, community, in your office to execute an assignment. The danger of life is to meet an opportunity without preparation. So many have missed certain opportunity they will never meet again in this life, is like miss missing a penalty to world cup qualifier, it may take about 5 - 10 years before same opportunity is presented and you may not be part of the players then. That is the way of life, many have met people in their life who were sent to impact their lives, their own attitude have severed and cut of those valuable relationships. There are certain people when you abused them and missed the opportunity, that may be it all. Watch and pray, after prayer watch your attitude, attitude has caused a lot of people problem. If you can not accept responsibility and seize the opportunity, you may miss blessing for life. Open your eyes and do not abuse people in life, do not take relationship with certain people  for granted 
There is also hard work as a component of life. One of the diseases in Africa, Ghana is laziness; certain people who will not work in the name of religion or misinformed perception about life and how God blesses. Work is not a curse, work was meant to keep all your human faculties active and functioning. When you stop work, your whole life begins to operate by the laws of deminishing returns. Prayer is not a replacement for hard work, prayer consolidates hard work, puts you at a top performing speed in life. 
   The last lesson is accountability, you will account to God about how you used your resources, access, opportunities, money, knowledge, power, influence one day. We must make people accountable in their businesses and work. This is why reporting and performance appraisals are key to sustainable development. We must demand accountability from people we have giving responsibilities to, you must account how you used the finances and the resources of the organization. The pastor must also account to members how the resources of the organizations are being used, accountability to people enhances trust and fosters relationships. If there is nothing to hide, then you must ensure you render an account of your stewardship. God demands accountability and as a principle of business, demand accountability from all your employees and managers, scrutinize their reports and give them feedback for improvement.
Rev. Jefferosn Agbotro Kwasi


Good morning, fam. How’re we doing today? I bet you’ve already started your week and you’re pushing yourself to achieve everything you’ve planned to accomplish.

In every space you find yourself this week, try and push harder, be better, do what others are not willing to do, go the extra mile, strive for excellence, don't complain, keep focus, concentrate, reach your goals, do whatever it takes to become the best version of yourself possible! Come rain or sunshine, work. You fall? Get back up. You stumble? Dust off yourself and get back on track. You commit a mistake? Learn from it and keep going. We will push ourselves hard this week, and strive to be the best we can be??



Managing a team is a double challenge. You manage people and you manage objectives. The distinction between the two exists only in theory. You’re never able to completely separate the two.
Working with people is messy business. Personality traits, emotions, abilities, behavior, actions, you can’t separate them and come up with an algorithm into managing relations. However, a bit of structure always helps.
Employee relations are a key element of workplace happiness and employee engagement. People thrive when they have a social support system and that goes for their working environment too.
Tbere are two types of employee relationship:
•Vertical relationships
We’re talking about employer-employee relations, or better yet manager-team member relations. They’re often classified as a sensitive topic because, sometimes, human nature contradicts clearly established HR rules.
As a manager, you want to know where you stand with your team and you’re open to receiving feedback.  But, sometimes, having a team member disagree with an action you took might put a knot in your neck/keyboard. It’s human nature to have all these emotions interfere with our rational interaction rules.
What you need to keep in mind is that you’ll always feel a certain way. That’s how relationships work. You don’t need to block your feelings so that you come off as the perfect manager. There’s no such thing as a perfect manager. You need to act and come off as an involved manager, who does his very best and trusts his team.
Some key points:
•Get to know your team, on an individual level
•Keep communication channels always open
•Ask for their opinion
•Listen to their arguments
•Encourage them to stand their ground
•Build these relations on common rules and values
•Don’t keep your distance, be part of the team
If you’re interested to find out the secret to becoming a more likable leader, JAK CONSULT  gives you 5  Ways To Improve Employee/Boss Relationships.
•Horizontal relationships
It may not seem like this is within a manager’s responsibilities, but fostering work relations depends on management as well. Employee interactions in the office are strongly influenced by the workplace atmosphere, company values and management actions. Having good relationships with coworkers is one of the top 3 happiness drivers.
Here’s how you can help them thrive:
•Build a company culture of trust and honesty
•Encourage social interactions
•Don’t be an office tyrant
•Create opportunities for people to connect
•Work in dynamic teams
•Have at least one team communication channel
•Encourage them to give and receive feedback
•Expectations setting
You should always hold an expectations setting meeting, as part of your onboarding process. You’ll want to talk to your soon-to-be team member and set some ground rules that will make your relationship a lot more clear and easy to manage.
For example, how strict is the working environment, what’s your policy on erring? You both need to get on to a right start by openly discussing the basis of your future relationship.
Way of working
Your team’s way of working should be commonly established. Based on your personal and team values, your objectives and your responsibilities, you need to define your way of working.
Who does What, When and How does he/she transmit that to the rest of the team? Seems logical but you’d be surprised how many teams operate at the mercy of hazard. Not only is that not productive, but it damages employee relations.
When you’re not in sync with your team, mistakes and delays can lead to arguments, resentment and lack of communication.
 JAK CONSULT is your Human Resource Development organization ready to help your team and organization.
+233 249727900


        You can not please everyone in the journey of life. You must learn to develope your own convictions about issues and have your position. Be careful not to trade your opinion with the favour of men. Be mindful of the offers you accept in life in the name of God's blessing. Some gifts and offers will take away your conviction and opinion about issues for good. You must learn to disagree with people respectfully and have your stance. The culture of always agreeing with the aged and the people who have gone ahead of you in life is not a good one, we must learn to analyze and scrutinize certain trends especially in the Ghanaian setting. I respect you, but do not try to abuse my conviction on issues backed and supported by data. Adulthood and maturity is not age, but the ability to examine issues critically and come out with a stance. Where do you stand in this generation? At the office you must have a stance as a Christian, in the home, and in your walk with God. Do not lose your conscience to money and favours.

God's General JAK


~~ Paths without obstacles do lead anywhere

Almost everything we enjoy today was impossible yesterday. What transforms impossibility into possibility, possibility into probability, and probability into facts? Deep inside you lies an impossibility thought, a dream longing to come true, , there is a mission residing in you, put there by your creator, He specializes in the impossible, that is where He is at His best. Dream Big and bigger than the ocean.


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