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Life Is A Full Time Business

# Life is a full time business; life will always place a toll on your emotional bank, intellectual bank, spiritual bank as well as your physical bank. The pressure and the force exerted on you is always greater than the pull. Others are constantly under pressure to meet the expectation of either their parents, spouse, clients, managers, and so on. People will always offend you and when you do not create an exit for the offences in your life and the hurts, they accumulate to a threshold frequency that your system may not be able to hold, depression, anxiety and mental illness may be inevitable in such case. How do I go through life and still not be bitter is one of the most overwhelming questions?

The answer lies in your ability to slow down, relax, laugh at life and some of your failures and challenges, retreat and re gather momentum. Always remember, that you are not called to always win, and you are not called to do everything in this your brief moment of sojourn and pilgrimage, not even Jesus tried to do everything. There are certain things you cannot change, adjust your mind and autopilot, live with it, those you can change, work on it. This is not home, take it easy when people hate you, never return hatred for anyone else your energy and strength will be drained.

Relaxing and laughing at life this Am at Eusbeth hotel poolside, generating new thoughts, refreshing my memories, have time for fun in your life, you do not need enough money to have fun, you always need to plan. Is powerful to be alone reflecting and reorganizing your life. I do not have space on my mind to carry problems and trouble. Everyday activity will never cease on earth, life is not meant to always be hard, and you were made to enjoy life.




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