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    My reserach and experience in working across the Ghanaian communities for the past 11 years has revealed the weakness and ineffectiveness of most Assembly members in Ghana as a result of lack of knowledge, inadequate knowledge about local governance leadership in their communities. Some were forced to these position without adequate understanding about what leadership is all about and how to effectively harness the rich potentials in their communities for the common good of the people they lead. Most do not know the strength and weaknesses of their communities at all, no priority of needs. I now appreciate why most members of parliament have taken the Ghanaian electorates for granted. If the capacity of the Assembly members were built, we could have seen a lot of developmental progress in our communities. When I look at the neglect of some of the basic needs in our communities today such as health care, quality education, portable water, good roads, security systems, youth development and empowerment. Our assembly men are supposed to know better and present the petition of their electoral areas, lobby and negotiate on behalf of their people. They are supposed to do consultation  with the community about projects and development of their respective communities. We must start paying attention to local governance, is a serious matter. Many come into office without any manifesto and policy directions, hence eveything goes on. Instead of them to negotiate before their MMDCEs and MPs, they go to them to beg and because of lack of knowledge about what is due them and their communities, the MPs take them for granted. Instead of calling for meetings with their communities to put forward a written proposals about their needs, they go begging and the shameless ones only dance to the tune of their  MPs. We must begin to advocate for good policy and leadership directions for our communities. Most communities are only existing, no development. If only the Assembly men would know the power they have and how to engage their community members, Ghana will change in the next years. Some of the mottos of the upcoming Assembly elections are very funny, many just copy anything at all, some have not led any development and projects before yet they want to lead. We must start setting standards for Assembly elections in Ghana, there must be some educational bench mark and true leaders must be elected in Ghana. Let's be very serious about local governance elections, let's be serious about people we vote for into Parliament, else the underdevelopement and backwardness is inevitable. Ghana decides this December on the Adsembly members, 2020 Ghana decides on who leads or misleads us into another years of slavery, wise up Ghanain voter, your vote is your power, take good care of your thumb.

Let us see the track records of leaders we elect, leadership is not a joke and a try and errors entreprise, if you want to lead, please invest into your personal development and build your leadership acumen, enough of the incompetent leadership in Ghana. 

Policy & Accoutability  forum coming up soon !!!

FOHA in Partnership with JAK CONSULT is bringing this forum to your doorsteps

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi



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