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Leadership, An Endangered species

        62 years after Independence and Ghana still wallow in poverty, bad roads, food security issues,   inequality in educational  Gap continues to widen, more Ghanaians continue to struggle for portable drinking water, malnutrition and food security still poses a threat to national development. 27 years after the promulgation and the adoption of the 1992 Constitution which was supposed to bring liberty and relief from the plight of many, it still remains a mirage and day dream. As if that was not enough, corruption has also succeeded in rearing its ugly head upon the progress of the nation, this casts slur and shadow upon the forward trajectory of our nation. People who pretend to serve the citizens rather become the overlords and masters on whose shoulder the economic caprices and whims gets broken. Leadership in Ghana especially that of the political arena becomes the fastest means to ill wealth, our supposed leaders misinform and mislead our populace with promises that are never within the remits of their constitutional mandate. Most often, almost all of our leaders do not have any direct connection with the ordinary citizens in order to appreciate and understanding their challenges, take feedback from the citizens for system improvement and development. The building of unwanted projects without consultation and involvement of the very beneficiaries for whom it was meant has become an accepted norm. The young generation see the leaders and the managers of our valuable resources as those in whose hands and under whose watch the resources of the country is being siphoned in broad day light. We changed the name from Gold  Coast to Ghana without recourse to transitioning the philosophical and psychological perspectives we had in the Gold Coast. It is just the name that changed on paper, nothing changed fundamentally. The behaviour of greediness, loot and share, disrepect for the rule of law, gross ignorance, lack of  planning for Ghana lack of sacrifice still remains a dorminant Gene upon which we act. In the spirit of democracy about 27 years ago, we the people of Ghana in the hope of adopting the rule of law, freedom and Justice demanded that we be governed with a rule that seems to protect corrupt leaders and yet prosecute people who steal finger of plantain! That is not to rule the offence of stealing though, since every theft is a theft, however, the selective justice undermines the principles of good governance. Unless we become truthful to ourselves as a people and redefine the fundamentals indicators and variables of leadership, we shall not and will not make any progress. The system is designed to favour corrupt people, lies and dishonesty has become an order of our generation. You can only see people undertaking projects in community because they wants to win the votes of the ordinary Ghanaian. Unfortunately however, the average Ghanaian do not look at issues, we have being selling our sovereignty for over 27 years now. 2020 is the year that Ghana goes to polls again to endorse most of our incompetent and ignorant  leaders again,  many misleaders and misgovernanors have taking the lead with cosmetic and aesthetic projects that will not even last for a year. The Youth of our generation must rise to redefine the kind and concept of leadership that we want to imbibe. The current generation must start reading and appreciating the gap between good leadership and development. We need to wear our intellectual cup once again and determine the kind of future that we need as a country. We need a robust and sustainable approach to leadership, we need to build the principles of probity, accountability, stewardship, integrity, love for nation, service, respect for human dignity and so on. We may have worse output and outcome if we do not change the inputs. We must shift  our attention from positional leadership to functional leadership. Leadership is predicated by skills and knowledge proven by practical wisdom.

We can not hold onto the same principles and have a different future.

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro





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