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Today  14th September 2019 was another wonderful day full of excitement and fulfilment as the FOHA medical Team in partnership with Psalmist Praise brought health care to the doorsteps of the people of sunyani along side blood donation to stock the blood bank of the regional hospital, sunyani. The programme brought together Optometrist, Dental surgeons, ENT specialist Nurses, Dental Nurses, General Nurses, Nutritionists, Opthalmic Nurses, Midwives and our cherished clients who are at the centre of our care. This forms part of FOHA's 11 years  commitment to the achievement of the SDGs and creating a resilient society. We screened people on # Blood Pressure # BMI # BLOOD SUGAR # HEPATITIS B # DENTAL EXAMINATION and General medical Consultation. The founder and CEO of FOHA, Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi facilitated discussion with the Health professional Team present on " Public Health care service in Ghana: The achievements, challenges and the way forward". This discussion lasted close to two hours with various contributions on how we can improve upon public health care in Ghana. Prominent among the discussion was how to bridge the fear gap between clinicians and patients in order to reduce the disease burden, how to improve upon communication with patients at the health facilities, viewing patients are partners of the health Care system and involving them in their care. The issue of responsiveness and self sacrifice from health care professionals across the country was suggested to be the way to go in order to realize the change we are looking for in the health sector of Ghana, the breaking of medical  information to patients especially about chronic diseases with poor prognosis, professional way of breaking death information to patients relatives,  adopting innovative approach and taking advantage of the media ( both print, Televisions & radio) in order to correct most of the errorneous and misinformation in the public domain. The medical Team also touched on health and religion and suggestion was made to relook at how to partner with the religious groups in order to change the perception of those who have taking religion to the extreme to the neglected of medical advices and adhering to medical  advice. The medical professionals commended FOHA for the challenge it has taken over the years and enjoins all to support such a worthy course in bringing health care to the underserved population in Ghana. The programme lasted between the hours of 9 am to 3:30 pm. The Psalmist Praise Team was being led by Dr. Kesse who was the lead Organizer of the Event. The next medical outreach is schedule for 5th October, 2019 at Kotokrom, Sunyani.  All and sundry are called upon to support FOHA especially through financial donation in order to reach out to more people.



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