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   To be influencial, Midwives must see themselves as professionals with the capacity and responsibility to influence current and future healthcare delivery systems. The Midwifery profession is based on the science of human health and the science of caring. It operates from a framework that values all people in a holistic way and seeks to foster and advance people's health throughout their lifespans and across all levels of society. To achieve these objectives, it is essential that policies exist that defines and integrate appropriate standards for delivery of care and address conditions necessary for that care to occur. Through policy work, MIDWIVES can and should influence practice standards and processes to assure quality care. MIDWIVES who influence policy  help shape  the care that will be provided today and tomorrow. Policy also impact resource allocation to support the delivery of healthcare. More than ever, Midwives are present in every healthcare setting and possess a unique role in formulating policy, yet neglected in decision making or decides to just be concerned about care and is not pertubed about legislations and key determinants of health. If we are to see a change in trajectory in the midwifery profession globally, then there is an urgent need for Midwives to get involved in the formulation of health care policies from local levels to district levels, and national levels. A lot of research has being put together to examine the contribution of Midwives and their impact on individuals, families and the whole world at large. It was realized that Midwives globally have made great Impact in our health care but the change and impact would have being greater if Midwives were directly involved in health care policy decision-making processes, ultimately benefitting patients outcome. For this change to be seen, there is the need to have a strong and effective strategic vision coupled with effective and meticulous communication, there should be policy dialogue across the country to deliberate on issues affecting the practice of midwifery and mitigating measures and how to engage all midwives to be active and proactive in policy decisions that will affect the total health outcome of patients. This demands visionary Midwifery Managers who will rise above just care delivery to the place of effective leadership and management with clear cut strategy as to how the change will be achieved. This demands the marshalling of the rich and inert human resource and human capital of the midwives across the nations to achieve this agenda. Visionary Midwifery leaders understand the consequences of the social, political and economic factors on the health and well being of the public. Today Midwife must develope interest in effective leadership and management through evidence- based decisions and the adoption of best practices, delopment of appropriate systems and process to assess inputs, outputs, outcomes and impact with clear cut indicators that the entire midwifery profession can relate with. 

       As we celebrate the International Day of the Midwife: whiles the whole world recognizes the valuable and immense contributions of Midwives  globally and Ghana in focus, there is the need for Midwives to engage in dialogue with all their relevant stakeholders on how to shape and give new direction to their valuable profession, POLICY IN FOCUS. There is the need to stimulate the interest of upcoming Midwives in strategic leadership and policy decisions that will inspire hope and vision in the next generation of midwives in Ghana and globally, Midwives beyond the clinical setting. These are few ways that Midwives can get involved in policy:

• Learn how policy is developed. Seek out areas of policy where you want to influence.

• Learn who is participating in policy development and make contact with them. 

•Explore resources related to policy formulation.

• Investigate health policy documents.

• Participate in policy meetings

• Evidence- based Advocacy

• Leveraging on the strength of the Midwife

• Clear and written down strategic vision for the profession.

• Leadership appointments should be by competence and skills and not just long service reward, Midwife managers should apply for leadership and be fired when they do not meet their target or honourbly resign.

As we celebrate you as a Midwife on this special day, this article is a food for thought, a wake up call and a call to shape the future direction of the Midwifery profession from students level to the highest level in the profession with teamwork at the centre.

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro



Founder & CEO, FOHA


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