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Hungry All The Time

Many people overeat because they feel hungry so often.

Here are some tips on managing your hunger:
• Real hunger comes on slowly, not all of a sudden. Pay attention to your body and learn your signs of true hunger.
• A sudden craving to eat is often psychological. You can deal with it by distracting yourself. Find something else to do or think about besides eating. Take a short walk or talk with a friend.
• Cravings often don’t last that long. Try to wait out a craving.
• If the craving doesn’t go away, have just a little bit and savour it.
• Spread out your food over the day by eating 5-6 small healthy, balanced meals or snacks. You may be less likely to overeat at the next meal.
• Eat filling, high fibre foods such as vegetables, high fibre cereals, whole grain breads, and fruit.


Eat s-l-o-w-l-y. Actually taste what you eat.



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