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Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)


Your generation can not wait to hear you


Job.29.21 - Unto me men gave ear, and waited, and kept silence at my counsel. [KJV]

   I see your generation waiting expectantly for your counsel and wisdom more than that of Job's. This shall be established by the force of the anointing of God upon your life. The anointing ushers one into the hall of fame and the corridors of power. That anointing on Job made him the most influential and affluential man of his day. His judgements and decisions were sound because of the presence of the Spirit of God upon his life. Greater than Job's anointing is here in this generation, and you are the answer!  May men wait for you like the autum rain, may you ascend high and high to the office of prominence in Jesus name. Do not disappoint your generation, the weak, the vulnerable, the poor, the voiceless have waited for you for far too long, this is your day, arise and speak, for thy generation heareth. See you at the high table.

Watch and pray

Good Morning

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro

Senior Pastor


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