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 Watchers' Chapel International ( WCI)

Ps.96.11 - Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice! Let the sea and everything in it shout his praise! [NLT]
   This new month of October shall be your rejoicing month, all that shall meet you shall shout for joy, heaven shall be glad because of your impact on earth. Rejoice, again I say rejoice in the Lord and celebrate your giftings and calling. The Lord has being very good towards us, we never imagined to come this far looking at the turbulence and the storms that predicated this year. If it we're not the Lord on our side, let Ghana say! By now, some of us would have been forgotten in the memory of humanity. It was never by our might nor power but by the Spirit of the Lord. We have every reason to rejoice and to be thankful to our Lord Jesus and the Father of all the earth whose mercy has procured for us life and placement in the school of life. I charge you and urge you to rejoice and be glad in the Lord, march forward and start this new month with courage, strength and tenacity as we end the year 2020 with confidence. You shall cross over to the other side of life, greater testimonies and blessings lies ahead of you, God is not done with you yet, as a matter of fact He has not started with some of you yet.
My God bless you, keep you, direct you, supply to you all the necessary supplies needed for the execution of your life assignment in Jesus name. 
Watch And Pray
Good Morning 
Welcome to the 10th Month??
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro
God's General


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