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Watchers' Chapel International ( WCI)

 God's  Report
Genesis 6:11
"And the earth was evil in God's eyes and full of violent ways."
   One of the greatest wisdom in life is to study history and precedence and predict the future in a general way. The wisest man that ever lived, Solomon also asserted that there is nothing new under the sun after many years of studies and observational research about the behaviour of man on Earth. Is there anything new under this Earth? What we keep seeing is just the invention and recycling of the past. Evil did not began today, the precedence of evil is as old as Noah. In his days, the Lord God was sorry He made man on Earth, as a matter of fact, that generation broke the heart of God! God had documented evidence of all the evil and wickedness of man, God assessed and examined the nature, character and behaviour of the heart of man, and behold, it was full of evil, this was  during the era of Noah.
   Years have gone by and man has not become a better species, as a matter of fact, this generation has a concentrated form of evil , wickedness, lies and deceit from the pews to the pulpit, governance and leadership all over the word has not become better, stealing, lies, corruption, nepotism, hatred, road traffic accidents, day robbery by scholars in suits is on the rise, the impunity, disregard for the rule of law and Justice is just amazing, the selective justices, the insults, the disrespect for the elderly, the neglect of the weak and the vulnerable in society calls for sober reflection and  intervention. If you study your Bible very well, you will not be surprised so much about what is happening on daily basis.
  It is gratifying to note that Noah was not corrupted in his corrupt generation, he had favour  before God and preserved his family lineage. Never be worried about the happenings and the wickedness of our day, rather ask God for grace and strength to stay true to faith and conscience at all times, you are needed to stand for your generation, I hear the cry of favour all over the world. In your profession and field of work, all that you need is the favour of God to be able to execute your assignment. The world is not getting better, your school grades and academic credentials can not change anything without the grace of God.
You need the grace of God as a leader, as a doctor, as a nurse, as a man of God, as a husband and wife, as a professional in every facet of society to stay true and hold on to your faith to the end.
Many of our brothers and sisters are losing the faith, be admonished, be advised, be wise and stay true to the scriptures and study history to appreciate the times and season.
  May the Lord Jesus Christ supply to you the Holy Spirit in full measure and grant you the inner fortitude and resilience to the end in Jesus name.
Watch And Pray
Good Morning
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro
God's General


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