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 Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)


 Begarly Life is not glorious


2Thess.3.8 - nor did we eat anyone's food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. [NIV]

    Being a minister of God or a pastor imposes  a lot of financial burden on the individual ; most people coming to the church are weak and needy looking for solution. The situation becomes worse when the pastor lives from leftovers of others instead of working and living a decent life. Many are moving on the street of Africa and Ghana for that matter begging from hands to mouth in the name of doing the work of God, thereby undermining the very essence of being called into the ministry, such folks bring shame and reproach to Christ and becoming a great burden and liability to the Christian fraternity. Christianity is never a call to begging and laziness in the name of serving God. In our text today, we  have being introduced to a very important subject matter by our veteran and legend apostle, Paul,  that he and his team never ate anyone's food for free, what a glorious way to describe his ministry! He rather worked and toiled day and night in order not to burden the church and people, he paid for everything he bought. You can not stop work in the name of Christianity and yet be begging and bring shame on Christ. In the midst of all his toils and hardwork day and night, he emerged as a great prolific writer and missionary, he built relevant skills and capacity that he used in making money to support his ministry, he rented his own house, paid for his own hotel bills, and the list continious. Christians and for that matter ministers and pastors are called to work hard to earn their own living and to be an example of hardwork and bring glory to Christ. The time has come that Africa must reorient itself towards " religion". We can not control the economic forces with laziness and begging, no nation has ever become rich through begging, Malasia, Europe and China did not just arrived in one day, they have built a resilient and a buoyant ecocomy through hardwork and education. Education empowers and unleashes one to his highest potential. Not everything is spiritual and not everything is physical, to deny one is to live in grandiose delusion. Rise up, roll up your sleeves, work and bring glory to the Lord. We work hard to get wealth so that we can help the needy and the vulnerable. Your two hands and legs and brains were not given for begging, earn your bread lawfully, the fruit of laziness is shame and disgrace. Your poverty and lacks is not an honour but rather a dishonour to the Lord. Bring honour to your God through hardwork and earning a living. Begarly life is dishonour, do something with your hand now! The African theology needs a shift and the time is now.

May the Lord empower you for success and greatness through the works of your hands in Jesus name...

Good Morning

Watch and pray

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro

Senior Pastor


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