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Gen.50.20 - As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil. He brought me to the high position I have today so I could save the lives of many people. [NLT]
        Forgiveness becomes easy when we build our life with the kind of philosophy that Joseph had. Imagine Joseph sold by his own brothers at the age of 17 , told the father a wild animal had devoured him, they actually celebrated his funeral. I believe the brothers of Joseph might have taken some funeral dues in the name of Joseph, knowing very well their evil plans that Joseph was not dead. Joseph moved from one problem into the other and found himself in jail. The brothers of Joseph indeed meant evil; to terminate his dreams and vision for life. One thing that is mysterious here is that we never saw God coming into his rescue by way of stopping their plot and evil plans. God was working behind the scene and Joseph was never bitter and resentful for  his  situation. We are told from the Bible that the Lord was with Joseph and made whatever he did to prosper. 
         At this point in the life of Joseph as seen in our text today, Joseph had come into prominence and power as the governor general of the land of Egypt and his brothers had come to him for the provision of food because of severe famine on the land. What will you do to your brothers if you were in the stead of Joseph? This is 13 years after they sold their brother, thinking he is dead and gone. You will never appreciate why Joseph made the statement that : you meant it for evil but God meant it for good. Joseph is a celebrated leader and character in the Bible because of his heart of forgiveness for his brothers. Joseph had power and resources that could destroy all his brothers one time, paying them back for their evil, yet Joseph did not abuse the power God gave him, he rather repaid their evil with good! This is the highest peak in the demonstration of a leader's wisdom. You know the wisdom of leadership by how they use power against their enemies.
      Life Application : Joseph represents all who have been wrongfully hurt in life either in marriage, relationship, business, family, friendship, ministry and the list continious. We are called upon to develope a heart of forgiveness towards all those who have caused us pain in life in one way or the other. Vengeance belongs to the Lord, learn to defer judgement and let the Lord rule on your behalf. One thing that is certain is this: All the evil that people hatch against you would be turned for your good. God will use the same situation meant to destroy you for your promotion and upliftment. Do not ever waste your time, energy destroying people either by words or by deed , learn to let go. The price of unforginess is too much to be borne by you, wether they apologize or not, let them go and let God refresh your life with new zeal and vision. This understanding is one of the keys that is lacking in Africa and for that matter Ghana. People get little political power to serve their people and waste all their time chasing their enemies and those who do not like them with their power. It is the lowest level that  leaders can descend to. 
      May the Holy Spirit help you to forgive and help people who have caused you pain should the need be, it shall be for your good in Jesus name.
Watch And Pray
Good Morning
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro
Worship with us at the SUNCITY Branch near Medcourt Pharmacy, 2Nd floor of the store building adjacent ADDIS LAB every Sunday at 7 AM, MONS : 6 PM, WEDS: 6 PM


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