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Ps.89.20 - I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him:

     David was discovered by the Lord among the sheepfolds and recognised as a man of gracious spirit, full of faith and courage, and therefore fit to be leader in Israel.
With my holy oil have I anointed him. By the hand of Samuel, David was anointed to be king long before he ascended the throne. The verse must also be expounded of the Prince Emmanuel; he became the servant of the Lord for our sakes, the Father having found for us in his person a mighty deliverer, therefore upon him rested the Spirit without measure, to qualify him for all the offices of love to which he was set apart. We have not a Saviour self appointed and unqualified, but one sent of God and divinely endowed for his work. Our Saviour Jesus is also the Lord's Christ, or anointed. The oil with which he is anointed is God's own oil, and holy oil; he is divinely endowed with the Spirit of holiness for his office and assignment .
There is a great difference between being anointed by the Lord and being anointed by men. You first need to be discovered by the Lord through the Holy Spirit before the anointing can rest visibly on your life. It is the Holy Spirit who anoints us for service. You can be discovered by men without being discovered by the Lord, you can even be  given a clerical by men as a Minister of God without being discovered by the Lord. There are so many self appointed ministers, pastors, Prophets, apostles, evangelists, teachers in the body of Christ today. Self appointment brings self anointment and automatic self exaltation and self destruction . Be interested in being discovered by the Lord instead of men, be interested in being known by the Lord more than men, your discovery in this life and ministry must be of the Lord.   
      When you are discovered or found by the Lord, He ANOINTS you with His HOLY OIL. This oil, that is the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit brings you to the place of supernatural manifestation. It is the Holy Oil that brings establishment in every aspect of your life, the oil rearranges your destiny, the oil brings you to  the hall of fame, the Holy Oil brings honour, the Holy Oil brings soul peace, the Holy Oil is a guard and guide of your life against every evil and cohort of darkness. Who discovered you for the ministry and your life assignment? You will become a casualty in the journey of life if you move ahead of the Lord without being discovered by Him. Dare to seek for the Holy Oil, your head and life must not lack oil. This oil makes you untouchable, unkillable, undefeatable. The Holy Oil marks your life as a security zone and anyone that dares or attempts to touch your life risk his life. This Holy oil also brings wisdom, knowledge, devine insight, revelation of the Word and understanding in life. Am just enjoying the creaming of the Holy Oil as I write this message, the revelation to write is overflowing in my heart, more insight to bring leberation and freedom to the children of God. I feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit so much on my bed as I write this anointed message to you this morning. The Lord is anointing you this morning from your room now in Jesus name. As you prayerfully read and study this devotion, I declare and decree the reception of the Holy oil in Jesus name. You are protected by the Holy Oil, your family and business are  insulated by the Holy Oil. MAKATAYA : DO IT AGAIN  LORD.
Your life is being shifted this morning from the realms  of the prophetic to the realms  of physical manifestation. You are blessed in your generation, just abide in the Lord Jesus. 
You are receiving a shift in your family, business now, I smell something new in your life, you are blessed in your family and generation because of the Holy Oil.
Watch And Pray
Good Morning
Rev. Jefferson Kwasi Agbotro


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