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Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)


✍Identify Your Call


Exod.3.10 - Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt. [KJV]

    Oh how satisfied and fulfilled life would be if only man can identify his real call and walk in it for life ! Both past and contemporary history is full of men and women who wasted if not all almost all their time doing everything in the name of " ministry". We are never called to do everything and never called to please people, we are called for a geospecific assignment - assignment defined by location and specific audience. You are never called to reach out to everyone but to some people, you must do all you can to identify this assignment even if it will take you 10 years. You can not preach everything in the Bible, you have being called for a special task. Many years have you spent in the church, do you really know your message to your generation? Many pastors and church leaders have not identified their area of call. Are you called as a pastor, prophet, evangelist, teacher, apostle, minister of songs, counselor, builder, leader, business man, politician? If your answer is yes, then discharge your duty with all competence, integrity and joy. The text for today introduce us to the terms of reference for the call of Moses, it was clearly stated. I want us to examine these key words in the text: Come, Now, Bring, My people, Egypt, Pharaoh.  His assignment was very clear and specific. The success of Moses would not be measured by the opposition he faced, those who did not like him or even his personal weakness, but wether or not he brought the people of Israel out of Egypt. Joshua came in to take them to the promise Land, specific, David was called as a fighter and a conqueror of kingdoms, made massive financial and material preparations for the building of the temple of the Lord but was never allowed to build because of his jurisdictional assignment, Peter was sent to the Jews, Paul to the gentiles and same Paul was sent as a great apologetic of all times whose wisdom and intelligence can not be contested for ages, Jesus Himself was sent to Israel before the cross,  and the list continious. What is your assignment in the ministry and life? Can you share it with me?

Am not called by the standards and the measures of men, I have being sent by God to bring leadership direction to the body of Christ ( the church), reformation and global revival to nations, empower communities and families, help people to discover their potentials and life assignment, am just committed to doing me, am just resilient in following that plan from the Lord, nothing present or future can and should stop me. I change societies through my writings and advocacies on  issues of development in Africa in general  and Ghana in particular, whatever that I do is being informed by my call and mandate. Hope this book blessed your life? Your feedback helps me improve upon my life.

Comment, share for others to be blessed.

May you identify your call in Jesus name

Watch and pray

Good Morning

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro

Senior Pastor

Serving with Your Gift brings you to Prominence in Life

Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)


Serve with the same gift 


1Pet.4.10 - As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. [KJV]

    In this text the apostle Peter through the Holy Spirit is presenting to us a different and precise  view of the various endowments and abilities we all have by way of giftings or if you like potentials or better still capabilities. We must first and foremost correct the notion of owning every gift we have, but rather see ourselves as stewards and care takers of the varied gifts. We should see it as a great privilege and an honour to be given any opportunity to serve God and humanity. All the gifts you have : spiritual, intellectual, entrepreneurial, leadership, preaching, teaching, speaking, inventing, initiating, administrating, counseling, medical wisdom and knowledge, business ideas, are all endowments from the Lord such that you can serve Him and humanity with it. The Lord gets excited when you operate at maximum peak of your gift or potentials. When you reflect on this idea of being a Steward of God's gifts and abilities, it will keep you humble all the time and cause you to serve the Lord unreservedly and reaching to humanity with same ability. Too often than not, we see many christians fasting and praying for more gifts and abilities whiles they have refused to honour God with what they have and also serve humanity with their endowment. Looking at life from this perspective opens the floodgate of compassion and love in your heart. You will not only serve God but also humanity. What concerns humanity like issues of health, economic freedom and restoration of human dignity across the globe will radiate through your heart all the time, you will be concerned about those dying from malaria and Typhoid across the world, you will be concern about leadership and governance issues especially in your country of domicile. As you see these needs of humanity across your community, it provokes and invokes your gifts and calls it into action and work, and the rest will be history. 

    In conclusion, do not look outside, just look into your spirit, your heart, and look at the needs around you, God will always connect your gifts with needs and that is success and divine response to your call. Never wait till you are old before you start serving the lord and others, even children at age 5, 10 can even serve the Lord and humanity with their gifts. Use your own gifts to serve the Lord and others, if it is speaking, speak as an oracle of the Lord and represent God and the vulnerable in society, that is true living and fulfilment in life.

May the Lord Jesus help you through the Holy Spirit to identify your gift and start serving with it now in Jesus name.

Watch And Pray

Good Morning

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro 

Senior Pastor


Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)


Discipline, key to Competence


Prov.22.29 - Do you see any truly competent workers? They will serve kings rather than ordinary people. [NLT]

     I used to think that you can only pray and imagine yourself at the high table of life, however as I grow with the Lord and walk with Him, I have revised my opinion and philosophy of life. I realized one Key that unlocks one's potential and brings one  before Kings and men of prominence is discipline . It will take a man of discipline to rise up early before dawn and pray, study the word of the Lord and learn for life and not for an examination. Life is a learning process and to remain relevant in the game of life demands daily commitment to your gifts and talents giving to you. It will take having your quiet time every day, fellowship through the attendance of evening and Sunday services. All these mentioned activities demands a lot of discipline, commitment and resloution to your life assignment. As a pastor, I realize this rule does not exempt anyone, I must remain committed to my life assignment by spending time with the Lord in prayer and in daily studies of the word, this is what gives me audacity and confidence to speak and help the people that I lead. Working and at the same time pastoring for almost 10 years along side studies has not being an easy journey for me, however it has being worth the sacrifice. I have built my communication skills with time, relationship skills with time, wisdom and knowledge has come with time, catching God's vision for my life with time, the journey has being full of discipline. I read and invest most of my time in developing my gift and calling in order to be useful to the Lord. The prophetic word alone is not enough, the vision alone is not enough, the inspiration alone is not enough, the talking alone is not enough, discipline is key to becoming the best version of your life. One must learn to say No to certain things in life especially when one is hungry and in need, many have destroyed their ministry because they were not discipline enough to remain committed to God and their assignment. My few years of experience in leadership in a lot of domains and pastoring for some time now have revealed that some people are not just serious and committed to doing their life. Most church folks spend time talking and discussing others instead of focusing on themselves and God's assignment for their lives. Discipline is knowing when to talk and when not to talk, when to sleep and when to rise up, when to go to work and when to leave and so on, when to be with people and when to be alone. This is what brings skills and competence that takes you to the arena of Kings and prominent men, this sets one apart from all others, this brings the mark of separation between achievers and failures in life. Always remember : No one can be committed to your life than You yourself. 

There is no time to keep on postponing and blaming people for your life, the earlier you remain discipline to your call and gifts the better you will be! Just remain focus and resilient and the rest will be history. I have seen and experience this key myself, try it and see !

Watch and pray

Good Morning

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi

Senior Pastor

Life is a delegated responsibility

 Watchers' chapel International


Responsibility, Key to Talent Discovery


Matt.25.14 - "It's also like a man going off on an extended trip. He called his servants together and delegated responsibilities. [MSB]

    Good Morning and welcome to the series on Talent or gift discovery in life. Everyone on earth was given a special gift with which to serve the Lord and others. When the talents are discovered and used to the maximum of God's glory and solving the problem of humanity, it brings true satisfaction and joy to the heart of that person. The scripture above is talking about the kingdom of God, liken to a man travelling to far country and delegated responsibility to his three servants according to their several abilities. Two accepted the responsibility of working with the Talents whiles one never did anything with the talent or gift received, he rather  used his energy to dig the ground and burried it till his master arrived. What a waste of time and destiny for this man!   

    We can learn from the text that two of the servants accepted responsibility and took charge of the gift that was given to them, put it to work and hard profit at the return of their master. Their master rewarded them for faithfulness in taking responsibility whiles the last servant who burried his talent was reprimanded and put into jail for wasting the talent and not even investing it for the master. The Master in our text is a typology of Jesus Christ who has given gifts or talents to us all especially christians who are regenerated and recreated to serve Him and humanity. The first key of discovering this talent is accepting responsibility that may seem small and just being faithful to the Lord Jesus. Many have received the gift of wisdom, knowledge, leadership, giving, service, ministering in songs, preaching and teaching, administration, and the list continuous, but have rejected or neglected those responsibility and have become less productive in the kingdom of God. This rejection or neglect of responsibility leads to sorrow and resentfulness especially when others who accepted responsibility are given more gifts and talents again by dint of their faithfulness. The first steps to discovering your gift is to accept responsibility, do all you can to bring results to your Lord and savior, be faithful to that little office, be loyal to that little responsibility, discharge your duty with care and wisdom, work hard and become deligent, work with all your heart at any responsibility given you, for that is your training grounds to your next level of life and ministry, do not waste time in life dodging responsibility, accept it now and live to it, do not reject or neglect the call of God upon your life. More gifts and talents are given to those who have accepted responsibility in the kingdom and life. 

Have you accepted responsibility or neglected responsibility of your gifts and talents? The answer lies in your heart, make a decision from this point now, there is no  time, be committed to your talent and gift now.

May the Lord Jesus help you to discover your talent and be serious about it in Jesus name

Watch and pray

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro

Senior Pastor

Discovery, Key to Destiny


Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)


Discovery, Key to success


Exod.35.31 - The LORD has filled Bezalel with the Spirit of God, giving him great wisdom, intelligence, and skill in all kinds of crafts. 

    Imagine Bezalel as a medical officer, Nursing Officer or Lawyer or better still a politician, he would have missed his destiny for life. Why? He would be doing something that he has not being anointed for in life. The Lord anointed him with wisdom, understanding, skill, intelligence in all kinds of artistery, tapestry, designing,  he was anointed to work with gold, bronze , scarlet thread and fine linen. Bezalel would remain anointed and relevant so far as he walks in this calling, he would lose his anointing if he tries to be what he is not, not even being a preacher could restore that oil and grace. Many are walking in the arena of life imitating and wrongfully copying people's assignment and they lose their destiny and do not become relevant to their generation. Discovering your calling, assignment in this life is the first step to success. Some have being called as successful business men to push the kindgom business with their money yet they have missed their calling by putting themselves into the office of a pastor, others are called as singers and they have switched into the office of the prophet, others are called as administrators yet they have also missed their call, and the list continuous. This has led to the chaos and the anarchy that we have in our world today, having square pegs in round hole. It may take a lot of years to discover your real call, but you must discover it and fulfill that call. Walking in your call or what I call " walking in your office" is what brings true success and inner satisfaction. Always do the check in your heart to verify your real Anointing in life. The Oil of Bezalel brings discovery and identity in life. This month, I would be teaching and preaching on " Discovering your gift, key to Influence". Stay tune and touch as I bring you devine keys to unlock your destiny.

    May the Lord bless and keep you, may you not waste your lifetime energy running someone's race, discover your identity, know your calling, pay the price to be relevant and useful to the Lord. Spend time with the Lord in prayer and the word and the rest will be history. May you discover your call in Jesus name.

Welcome to the month of  DISCOVERY, OCTOBER

Good Morning

Watch and pray

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro

Senior Pastor


Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)



   I have become as a wonder to many, But You are my strong refuge...Psalm 71:7

    The grace and the anointing of the Lord upon the life of anyone release that individual into the supernatural realms of possibilities and incredible manifestation of his life assignment and mission. It all begins with finding Jesus. Others who know you in the natural realm will see you and be shocked as well as suprised about the heights and feats you have scaled in life, they will see your life as a wonder and a miracle, indeed, you are called out for signs and wonders in this generation in Jesus name. I declare you as a sign and a wonder in your generation, your wealth and blessing shall suprise many, your story will be too true to believe, mark my words, it shall come to pass in Jesus name. Shout am a sign and a wonder if this prophesy belongs to you in Jesus name.

Watch and pray

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro


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