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There are a few things in our time on which many people would agree. However, leisure (another term for rest, and meaning the time set apart from work or duty) is one thing that would be universally endorsed.

Every person, including even the workaholic, loves times for leisure. Leisure happens to be the main theme of many people's lives.

Many people spend their time planning and preparing for times of relaxation. The tools and toys for leisure are readily available all around us, and the industry for the production and distribution of such tools and toys are big, in the range multi-billion dollar industry.

Leisure is not only a favourite for subject for most people, but also an obsessive activity. Many, unfortunately, are consumed by the desire for leisure. 

The focused life also has a place for leisure.

Scripture informs us that God created leisure for humanity. Just as he has done with work, God established leisure or rest before the Fall. This means that leisure is one of God's creation pronounced as good (Gen. 1:31).

Work and leisure were kept in balance by God, and both were blessings from the Lord. Leisure is a Divine initiative for the benefit of humanity because God knew it would be beneficial and needed.

Evidence in much of human history returns a verdict that suggests leisure was not enjoyed much. For hundreds of years, the blessings of leisure was just a dream reserved for a few. 

Over the past few hundred or  years, however, leisure has become increasingly more accessible for the majority of people, especially in our world.

How should we handle leisure, balancing it with work and worship so it becomes the blessing it was meant to be?

Let's keep praying for insight from the Holy Spirit. Meanwhile, enjoy the blessings of a fulfilling day. Good morning

By Very Rev. Dr. William A Mpere-Gyekye


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