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       Implementation of any good governance policy  such as the E- LEVY must  be research driven through proper data collection and analysis, intellectual debate and listening to the ordinary citizens before carrying out any policy intervention. Ghanaians are not against taxation and for the records, we have being paying tax for years now. Every Ghanaian including myself believe that we need to pay tax for developmental projects. The question on the mind of discerning Ghanaians is how these taxes are going to be accounted for? We have and we are still experience wanton and reckless waste of our financial resources by our duty bearers across various sectors of the economy without proper accountability. 

According to the Auditor General's report, whopping GHS  9 billion cedis was stolen/ misappropriated by various state Ministries and Agencies between 2017 and 2019.The latest Auditor General's report for 2020 suggest Ghana lost GHS 12.8 billion due to infractions and other irregularities committed by State Institutions.

 E -LEVY is projected to give us GHS 6.7 billion in a year, which is even less than half of the state monies stolen in 2020 alone. Is it not common logic to recover all these monies and make sure policies and systems are designed by government to stop the leakage and the siphoning of state money? Where is the economic recovery team? We put leaders and managers of the economy to ensure that all these waste are reduced to the bearest minimum if not avoided.  If the same strength used in defending E- LEVY is used in protecting and prosecuting those implicated in the lost of these colossal amount of money, the economic fortunes will turn around in 90 days. The above questions should be answered by all those supporting the E- LEVY. Until we get the analysis right, we will get Leadership and management wrong. The hard truth is that the managers of our economy have be reckless in protecting our monies. We cannot take the excuses any more. From my point of view and from my background as a Minister of God, and using the analogy of the Scripture of  the Man who gave the talents to his servants; the Master gave five more and two more for those who were good steward and faithful to the management of the talents they received. Contemporary equivalent of the talent is money. It is unwise and unscriptural to give more money to people wasting resources.

Ghanaians are not against taxation, but are against our taxes being wasted. Truth be told, our rich resources are being wasted on daily basis and the onus lies on leadership and managers of the economy to recover the monies stolen, prosecute alll thieves to serve as a Stern deterrent to all. 

   Cut down on government expenditure to all the three alms of government; when there is scarcity of food at home, parents do not eat whiles children fast. There are  many ways to restore the economy other than E- LEVY; government must listen to the ordinary citizens, do not use your numbers in parliament to pass the E- LEVY, you may get it done, but you shall surely pay for it one day, you can ask former President Mahamah and he can give you his experience! During his few years and months as President, his government did not resonate with the pulse of the nation. Feedback must be listened to and if taken, it only bring progress and development to  the receiver.

 I do not subscribe to the E- LEVY for my objective analysis of the current situation in Ghana using the available data.

 The Association of Private Commercial Transport Operators has announced 30 percent increase in transport fare by Friday 18th February, 2022 as fuel prices increase to GHS 7.9.This means cost of goods and services are also going to increase; ie food prices, utility, accommodation, and by extension cost of living is going to be very high for the ordinary citizen. Going ahead to implement the E- LEVY at this time would be grave insensitivity, lack of empathy and disconnect from the citizens.

Policies and programmes that increases the plight of the people is not a good one, not supported by Scripture and God cannot bless such a policy. 

Widen tax net and look at property tax, prudent use of the state resources will be key at this time,cut down on your allowances, cutting down on extravagance lifestyle by government officials and state Institutions.

   In conclusion, remember that E- LEVY is not a panacea of the economic crisis in Ghana. Let your interventions be driven by research and learn to dialogue and listen to the voice of the citizens. 

As a Ministers of the gospel, we are supposed to be the pillar of truth, and speak truth to power, for God will judge us one day.

I leave the rest of the conclusion  to duty bearers and discerning Ghanaians; posterity and history will be the best judge.

Rev.Jefferson K. Agbotro





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