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1. POSITION: The most basic entry and starting point of leadership is position level. Why is this level the lowest level? Position represent leadership before the leader developes any real influence with the people being led. In generations past, people would follow leaders based on titles or position of authority. This is not very common in this era. People would follow position leaders as far as they have to. People who are appointed to positional leadership may have authority but that authority does not go beyond their job description. These people have the right and the authority to enforce decision or policy because of their position but have the least influnce when it comes to leadership. Our world today is full of position leaders and managers who come to the office to warm the chairs everyday but have no real lasting influnce on the organization. Such position leaders exhibit their incompetence and lack of skill through the way they chair meetings, handle issues of conflicts, give feedback promptly and timely, how they keep the team on the organizational vision and goal. Those who do not pay the price for their self development and growth by building capacity before being appointed into leadership, usually waste the time of their team, they stay at this level for years and never graduate from this level. What should one do if he/ she finds himself under position leader for years? There is usually no inspiration and motivation under these types of leadership. For maximum growth and upward Development in Africa and for that matter Ghana, we need to assess the capacity of our leaders and know which level they are, what cure or interventions are needed under this kind of leadership?
AskJakConsult for practical and cutting edge leaderhsip interventions for personal growth and organizational development.
LEADERSHIP HOUR with JAK CONSULT coming soon on GRENA 95.9 fm, sunyani Ghana, Get ready...........Your questions and feedback are welcome.
We shall continue LEVEL 2 in the next write up.
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi
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Leaders become great not because of their power but their ability to empower others. Success without a successor is ultimately a failure. To create anything lasting, to develope a team or an organization that can grow and improve, to build anything for the future, a leader's main focus should be on developing people: to help them reach their personal potentials, to help them do their job more effectively and to help them learn to become leaders themselves. This kind of people development leads to production and sustainability. People development has a multiplying effect. Teams and organizations go to new and next level when leaders start developing others. One team can develope enough leaders to create a new team. Because everything rise and falls on leadership, having effective and productive leadership with intentional executive Coaching models and tools is a positive way of ensuring the security of organizations and to increase market shares.
This is why the JAK CONSULT is committed in developing and empowering leaders and organizations to remain relevant by adoption of best practices and skills to unearth the abilities of employees.
Stay Tune for Part 2
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi
Your Leadership Coach


CORPORATE LEADERSHIP: This is Leadership at the workplace which involves the engagement of your team members through the use of strategies and specialized skills that allows your team to get involved in solving an organizational problem. This kind of leadership can take place at the church, at the business office, at the hospital for health care leaders, at the community, at the level of politics and the list continuous. This is the most difficult aspect of leadership for many leaders because the special skills and experience to get team members involved is almost lacking in most corporate leaders. The success of every organizational leader is directly tied to the basic understanding of this concept. Is very easy to just control ignorant people but it is very difficult to be leading team of experts from various field in the same organization, an outstanding example is the Health Sector: How do you successfully lead Medical Doctors and specialist in their own field, how do you lead Nurses and Midwives with various specialties, how do you lead pharmacist and medical laboratory scientists and other paramedical team. No wonder, it has being a tough work for most health leaders across the nation. It will take a special skill and knowledge to bring all these special team together. As an OD & LEADERSHIP CONSULTANT, I use special tools and skills gained through my training to bring corporate leaders together, give them different perspective and worldview, expand their candidness for increase in profit margin and increasing team engagement.
# Picture Below is one of our Corporate Training for Health Care Leaders & Managers at the Bono Regional Hospital .
# JOIN JAKCONSULT on Radio soon as I bring to your home practical cutting edge solution to leadership and organizational Development.
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   " Life without a strategy is like going to war without formular", Rev. Clement Achim Gyimah. Rev. Achim Gyimah is the resident pastor of the church of PENTECOST, Roman Ridge, Accra. The  astute and dynamic man of God,  full of knowledge and wisdom made this known last Sunday 5th January,  2020 on PENT TV as a guest on the programme :STRATEGIZING FOR 2020. Rev. Clement called on all Ghanaians especially the body of Christ( the church) to writing down their vision clearly without clear cut strategy as to how their are going to achieve it. The renowned man of God stated that life does not start on grandstyle, little beginning and perseverance, seeking knowledge and advice from people who have gone ahead of you is key to success in life. Life is a full project with sub projects at each stage. Others are planning to marry, others are planning to go to school, others are planning business, others are planning planting of churches, expansion of business operations, others are also seeking for political power and so on. From Rev. Clement's view point, all the above mentioned are projects that needs strategy in order to succeed, he made mention of environmental scanning, knowing your strength, weakness, threats and opportunities. This will help you to have a competitive advantage in the job market. Rev. Clement Achim Gyimah is not only a pastor but also an OD specialist Consultant with MSC OD. You may need the services of an experienced and knowledgeable person in your area of business 2020, have your vision, mission as well as corporate values and success shall come in its season.

Reporter: Rev. Jefferson Agbotro 


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There are a few things in our time on which many people would agree. However, leisure (another term for rest, and meaning the time set apart from work or duty) is one thing that would be universally endorsed.

Every person, including even the workaholic, loves times for leisure. Leisure happens to be the main theme of many people's lives.

Many people spend their time planning and preparing for times of relaxation. The tools and toys for leisure are readily available all around us, and the industry for the production and distribution of such tools and toys are big, in the range multi-billion dollar industry.

Leisure is not only a favourite for subject for most people, but also an obsessive activity. Many, unfortunately, are consumed by the desire for leisure. 

The focused life also has a place for leisure.

Scripture informs us that God created leisure for humanity. Just as he has done with work, God established leisure or rest before the Fall. This means that leisure is one of God's creation pronounced as good (Gen. 1:31).

Work and leisure were kept in balance by God, and both were blessings from the Lord. Leisure is a Divine initiative for the benefit of humanity because God knew it would be beneficial and needed.

Evidence in much of human history returns a verdict that suggests leisure was not enjoyed much. For hundreds of years, the blessings of leisure was just a dream reserved for a few. 

Over the past few hundred or  years, however, leisure has become increasingly more accessible for the majority of people, especially in our world.

How should we handle leisure, balancing it with work and worship so it becomes the blessing it was meant to be?

Let's keep praying for insight from the Holy Spirit. Meanwhile, enjoy the blessings of a fulfilling day. Good morning

By Very Rev. Dr. William A Mpere-Gyekye


www.jakconsultant .com


In the ABC's of planning, there are also three basic steps:

The first is to always record your plans in writing. Something not written down is lost too easily.

Second,  be brief and straight to the point in everything you write. This is critical in both the writing and reviewing what you have written.

And third, check off or clear out what has been accomplished and continue what still needs to be done.

The first steps in planning are to mentally commit to learning to plan better. Next, decide what type of planning tools (Bible, Hymn book, concordance, commentaries, etc.) best complement you and your circumstances.

Remember to keep it simple and build from there.

As you progress with the ABC's of planning, you will begin to see the value and positive impact planning produces. Moving from daily, weekly, and monthly planning. You will also begin to form plans related to specific goals or projects. As planning becomes a habit, you will discover that you grow more and more proficient in the process. And remember, every action of a believer should be approached with prayer.

Last, but not the least, remember that *failing to plan is planning to fail.*

Good morning and an effectively planned day.

By Rev. Dr. William A Mpere-Gyekye?


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