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In the ABC's of planning, there are also three basic steps:

The first is to always record your plans in writing. Something not written down is lost too easily.

Second,  be brief and straight to the point in everything you write. This is critical in both the writing and reviewing what you have written.

And third, check off or clear out what has been accomplished and continue what still needs to be done.

The first steps in planning are to mentally commit to learning to plan better. Next, decide what type of planning tools (Bible, Hymn book, concordance, commentaries, etc.) best complement you and your circumstances.

Remember to keep it simple and build from there.

As you progress with the ABC's of planning, you will begin to see the value and positive impact planning produces. Moving from daily, weekly, and monthly planning. You will also begin to form plans related to specific goals or projects. As planning becomes a habit, you will discover that you grow more and more proficient in the process. And remember, every action of a believer should be approached with prayer.

Last, but not the least, remember that *failing to plan is planning to fail.*

Good morning and an effectively planned day.

By Rev. Dr. William A Mpere-Gyekye?


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