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And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability, and immediately he went on a journey...Mathew 25:15

The parable of the talent explains the role of opportunity, hard work and accountability in our everyday life. In this life, God will always present you with an opportunity especially for His children who have covenant and daily fellowship with Him. What is an opportunity? Opportunities will always come in the form of assignments, invitation to speak, work, teach, learn, meet new people, in the business field, at the place of fellowship ( church), in the school, community, in your office to execute an assignment. The danger of life is to meet an opportunity without preparation. So many have missed certain opportunity they will never meet again in this life, is like miss missing a penalty to world cup qualifier, it may take about 5 - 10 years before same opportunity is presented and you may not be part of the players then. That is the way of life, many have met people in their life who were sent to impact their lives, their own attitude have severed and cut of those valuable relationships. There are certain people when you abused them and missed the opportunity, that may be it all. Watch and pray, after prayer watch your attitude, attitude has caused a lot of people problem. If you can not accept responsibility and seize the opportunity, you may miss blessing for life. Open your eyes and do not abuse people in life, do not take relationship with certain people  for granted 
There is also hard work as a component of life. One of the diseases in Africa, Ghana is laziness; certain people who will not work in the name of religion or misinformed perception about life and how God blesses. Work is not a curse, work was meant to keep all your human faculties active and functioning. When you stop work, your whole life begins to operate by the laws of deminishing returns. Prayer is not a replacement for hard work, prayer consolidates hard work, puts you at a top performing speed in life. 
   The last lesson is accountability, you will account to God about how you used your resources, access, opportunities, money, knowledge, power, influence one day. We must make people accountable in their businesses and work. This is why reporting and performance appraisals are key to sustainable development. We must demand accountability from people we have giving responsibilities to, you must account how you used the finances and the resources of the organization. The pastor must also account to members how the resources of the organizations are being used, accountability to people enhances trust and fosters relationships. If there is nothing to hide, then you must ensure you render an account of your stewardship. God demands accountability and as a principle of business, demand accountability from all your employees and managers, scrutinize their reports and give them feedback for improvement.
Rev. Jefferosn Agbotro Kwasi


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