For the past 11 years, FOHA has believed in the vision of reaching out to the weak and vulnerable in society through public health care, clinical health services, nutrition, HIV AND AIDS services, research and community development as well as capacity development. This we do in addressing the Gap between the rich and the poor in society with a better future a hope for the less fortunate and privileged in society. This vision calls for marshalling of human resources as well as financial resources to see the fruition of this Noble vision and dream. Hence, the need for calling Volunteers across the nations of the world. Any God's given vision can not be achieved by a single person. This demands meticulous planning and the placement of strategies to meet targets. The VOLUNTEERS response has being very massive and impressive for the past 11 yeara both within Ghana and outside the shore of Ghana. FOHA has hostwd over 120 European Volunteers, over 1000 Ghanaian VOLUNTEERS over the period under review. FOHA has succeeded in imbibing into the Youth the culture and sense of responsibility and responding to some of the basic needs confronting society. The impact story of connecting defaulted patients on medication back to their doctors is worth mentioning, the community embracing the concept of preventive health care through our community health durbars and health forums created with the common objectives of increasing community participation in health care delivery, the donation of relieve items such as clothes, shoes, food items, the provision of nutritional services and ensuring food security, early detection of HIV and AIDS and connecting clients to health facilities, weekly health education on radios and health articles all kind courtesy the valuable contributions of our cherished Volunteers. At FOHA, we work and serve with passion, we believe if we save a life, we change an individual, if we change an individual we change community and if we change communCom, we eventually change a nation. FOHA started as a local NGO but has now become an International Organization with ambassadors and leaders in different countries. FOHA has also being on the Frontline when it comes to health policy issues, advocacies and leadership development in Ghana for 11 years now. With the great and unflinching financial and technical support  from  the Board of directors, executives members, primium members and volunteers our projects are scaled down to the underserved communities in Ghana. FOHA is calling on all members to support this life time vision with all their strength and might in order to touch more lives. FOHA seizes this opportunity to appeal to all strategic partners to come on board, sponsors and new volunteers and members are called upon to join the FOHA family.

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi

Founder & CEO


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