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Heb.10.25 - And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near. [NLT]
      Time is the only commodity that has been equally distributed among all globally irrespective of race, colour, educational levels . Everyone has 24 hours to his account.  Time is a talent given to us all on earth and each one will give an account before the Lord how that time was used.  How do you use your 24 hours? Some use part of their time in reading, watching movies, working, visiting friends and love ones, helping families and the list is endless. Man is able to budget his time well for all activities except that of God and His business. We dare not give excuse for absenting ourselves from work and friend meetings and so on, but we are able to justify why we could not and can not get enough time to attend fellowship meetings. This matter is very interesting and needs to be given a lot of thought. This brings me to our topic for the day : FELLOWSHIP MEETINGS.
         From our scripture, we are being admonished not to forsake the meetings of the saints; your evening Bible studies meetings, your midweek prayer meetings, your Sundays or Saturdays meetings with the saints. This is where we build our spiritual life and strengthen our spiritual muscles. Do not cultivate the habit of making excuses for forsaking the meeting of the saints. If you can make time for other meetings, then you can also make time for fellowship meetings. There is power and strength in fellowship meetings, meeting strengthens our bond and love for our Lord Jesus as well as for our brothers. 
         Your spirit will become weak and gradually you would be drifting when you cultivate the habit of absenting yourself from the meetings that have been set by your shepherd. The first lie of the devil is to tell you that you are too busy to attend church meetings, becareful of the deceit  of the devil which is promulgated daily to the elevation of the flesh and the destruction of your spirit. You belongs to a spiritual family called " church", make your presence and impact felt through your participation in that family meetings. Meetings and fellowships becomes the avenue for exhortation, warning, encouragement and sharpening your gift. Stir up the gift of God in you through fellowship. Your personal prayers can not compensate the power that fellowship meetings brings. Make time for your soul and spirit. All our business and work will be laid to rest one day and generations may forget about your existence; the only thing that would be significant to you would be what you did for the Lord with your time and your contribution to the building of His kingdom.
        Reconnect to fellowship if you have the habit of making excuses, let all excuses be done away, there is never going to be enough time. Everything in the world today points to the fact that the time of the coming of our Lord is near than never before, you can not imagine the kind of event that may happen in the next seconds, nothing is a surprise again, there is indeed nothing new, be on guard, commit your ways to the Lord, give God all your best, we are in extra time, join the fellowship meetings to draw strength and wisdom now!
May the Holy Spirit help you to be connected to fellowship and make time for the Lord in all your doings in Jesus name.
Watch And Pray
Good Morning
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro 
Watchers' Chapel International
Join our prayer Fellowship today at 6:00 PM on the 2ND Floor of storey Building adjacent Addis Lab, Near Medcourt Pharmacy, Area 3, Sunyani, VRA Road.


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