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The Power of One Language

Watchers' Chapel International ( WCI)
 The Power of One Language
Gen.11.1 - And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. [KJV]
Before the advent of tribes, the whole earth was United around one language and speech. This necessitated the initiation of the tower of Babel whose base is from the earth and whose apex touches heaven. I have being reflecting keenly on how they were able to build the tower in relation to the one language they spoke! I have also being examining the relationship between one language( Unity) and socio- economic development. I saw in the Bible for the first time when God journeyed to the project site and saw the foundation of unity predicated by one language, God was shocked to the core for the first time, God was threatened by the power of one language and speech! That is an interesting development! From Genesis 11:1-9, it emerges that though they had one language and speech but their motives were wrong. That is a subject matter for another day. Lessons learnt and life application:
¶ We can not develope as a family, community or nation without one language and speech ( Unity). No organization developes without following the same coorporate vision.
¶ Africa and Ghana can not have a sustainable growth and development with speaking the one language of integrity, hardwork, teamwork, and love

¶ Unity and Teamwork is so crucial that lives will be lost without it in the health sector especially the theatre, the surgical team. Lets be one and save lives. 
¶ The only thing the devil fears in your organization, family, community and nation is one vision and corporate culture. No wonder, you can see a lot of bigger organizations in Africa and Ghana with great talented ideas and intellectual capacity, yet no development; they are all speaking different languages. This condition is very endemic and resident in Africa, of which Ghana holds no exception. Until we begin to teach the younger generation the language of respect, love for the aged, value for process, hardwork, legacy, eschewing from corruption of all forms and its appearances, the vicious cycles of underdevelopement will be inevitable from the pews to the pulpit. Many churches are also not growing because the language of the leader is different from the members.
¶ Fast forward, if you want to build anything in life : marriage, business, organization, church, etc, you have to develope a corporate language and culture that everyone understands, else the abuse and the collapse of your organization will be inevitable.
May the Lord help you to build by the principle of one language and speech, may you experience accelerated and sustainable growth and development on every side of your life in Jesus name.
Watch And Pray
Good Morning
Rev.Jefferson Agbotro
Senior Pastor


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