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You Are Commanded to Succeed, Rev.Jefferson

Watchers' chapel International ( WCI)


 Your Dominion mandate


Psalm 72.8 - He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.

     I declare and decree in the name of Jesus that your influence shall outlive you, may your influence touch generations yet unborn, have dominion and authority over the sea and over all the earth, may your gifts and talents bring you before greatness, you are by this decree commanded to succeed, rule and reign with decretion and wisdom, excercise charge and rulership over your domain, you are the man and the woman of your generation, you are prevailing where others failed, I see you coming into prominence in your day, I see you as the delight and the joy of many, many shall sing your praise, I see your glory rising like the sun shining in its  full strength. You are too anointed to be ignored in your generation, walk in this prophetic word, live in its reality, expect an overflow and abundance in all aspects of your life in Jesus name, you are changing levels, I see the wealth of the gentiles intercepted and you are the destination, you are the hope of your generation, let your head be lifted up, cheer up and be of good courage, others are looking up to you, you have come too far to give up, rise up and keep moving, you are too close to your destination than you ever thought. I command all these blessing upon your life in Jesus name...

Watch and pray

Good Morning

Rev.Jefferaon Agbotro

Senior Pastor


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