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Time Management

We are guilty of trying to pack too much into our lives, making our to-do lists too long. We over-schedule ourselves and our family. We need to pare down our activities and shorten the to-do list.

Try some of the following suggestions:

• Plan ahead so you can consolidate tasks and errands, (this also cuts down on your gasoline bill).
• Spend time with people you like and who support your goals and ideals.
• Remember to ask for what you want. Your family cannot read your mind. If you don’t ask the question, you won’t get a yes or a no answer.
• Get your family to help out with household chores and remember, according to Quentin Crisp, after four years the dust doesn’t get any deeper.
• Take care of yourself. You are of no help to others if you are burned out.
• Join organizations that interest you – you will find yourself in the company of like-minded people.
• Think positively! Whenever you hear yourself thinking something negative, find a positive affirmation before you move on, it will leave a better taste in your mouth and your mind.



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