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Dr.Klu Dziedzorm Advices Parents to Connect with their Children


In these present day that we find ourselves doing two or more jobs to keep the family together, We parents may find ourselves often unable to give our best to our children.

Here are four tips we can make use of:

1. Come Home Relaxed: I marked a spot about 3 minutes drive home where I stop thinking about work and focus on home. I know the first 5 to 10 minutes after I get home is time to do hugs and take complaints from my children about what happened when I was away. Make time to listen to them. As much as possible don’t make it a routine that your spouse tells them you are tired, just factor in their workload too?. In my experience they soon leave you when they finish connecting with you.

2. Develop a Routine: it might be bedtime story telling, praying together, or sharing some snacks or eating a meal together. You may choose to routinely bath the kids in the morning, weekends, evening etc. it is best when it is predictable to the children.

3. Chat on the Phone: for parents who spend time working far from home, make time to call them and chat, you can use WhatsApp video’s, FaceTime or just the normal voice call.

4. Get a Family Time Together: It might be an evening you watch a movie together, play video games, take a walk or a car drive to buy your favourite ice cream, play some board games etc.

Remember children spell love T-I-M-E.

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