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The Founder & CEO of the FRIENDS OF HEALTH ASSOCIATION( FOHA) who doubles as the founding General Overseer of the Watchers' chapel International ( WCI), Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi, a clinical Nurse and an OD certified consultant is asking Ghanaians especially the elites to demand policy on various sectors of the economy such as health and sanitation, job creation, security, justice, peace and the rule of law, tourism, education, road and high ways, youth development just to mention but few. Rev.Jefferson is advocating for a development committee in every constituency whose mandate it is is to come out with development issues that needs intervention through research and proper needs assessment procedures, put it into a document, go into MOU with respective candidates seeking for election as members of parliament and at  presidency  levels, hold community  forums meetings where relevant questions will be put before respective political candidates about their written down policy documents regarding the people they want to lead. These policy documents will be binding on these supposed leaders who are seeking power. The days of ignorance are over, and we are in the era of knowledge and social  accountability has to be given the needed attention it deserves. There should be platforms and forums for debates and discussions  for members of parliament to account for their stewardship before re election, they should tell their constituents what exactly they have done in 4 years, 8 years and 12 years. Many of the members of parliament only wasted the time of their constituency and threwn their communities into vicious retrogression. Ghanaians must be very serious and take 2020 election with all the seriousness it deserves, enough of selling your power for money. You do not need money from politicinas for survival, you need practical and pragmatic policies and legislation that will ensure that communities are developed, that will ensure that there is an improvement in all areas of our economy.  Citizens, you have the power back to you in this 2020, be careful who you trade your power to. It is time to punish all the non- performing MPs in Ghana from all side of the divide, do not vote incompetent people who are clueless about leadership and national development.  A word of advice to teachers and Nursing training institutions who allowed themselves to be used as campaign tools only to be dumped after election and go through their perinial problems, you have been trained to use your intellect to defend the resource of our country, do not be deceived, have policices about your sector that will end the pick pocketing in ministries in successive regimes in Ghana, do not just belief promises, ask for policy now!!!

    I want to see Union leaders like the teachers group, Nurses group, Doctors group, engineers, and so on demanding policy from politicians, the petty politicking is over, we can not allow our country to still wallow in under development under the watch of ignorant and clueless leadership. Leadership is about representing your people and presenting their issues, do not forget to punish anyone who represented his own opinion in parliament. How often do these MPs meet their constituents and solicit ideas and opinions on issues? We  can not blame the devil for all the petty and common issues that needs just common sense to tackle, the opportunity is ours, the dire is cast, we can not give an excuse any more, if you refused or neglected to represent your people, you have lost the moral right to come back for re election and vote. The new Ghanaian that we need is the one that can not be bought with money and goods. Why must we pray for everything in this country? Not everything is prayer, UK does not pray like we do yet they are developed and far advanced beyond us, what is the problem with Ghana and Africa? We lack clear policy that is not affected by change of government and transition, policy is not a verbal talk, policy is not a personal wish, policy is binding and when one fails to implement them, he  can be held responsible. We can no longer joke with our future. Do we have to fast and pray against accident when the very trap of it: bad roads could have been corrected, people have to fast and pray for work and school and so on. In UK, one does not need to pray to get better school, health system working, better work and so on. What Ghana lack is policy that will inform the development of systems and process leading to sustainability and lasting legacy.  I have an opinion and right  under the 1992 Constitution and have just excercised my constitutional right to satisfy the martyrs of the rule of law. Democratic governance demands accountability,  equitable and efficient usage of the state resource and the proper dispensation and administration of power vested in duty bearers for the interest of the populace majority wherein power was given.

Rev.Jefferson Agbotro Kwasi


Founder & CEO, FOHA


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