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Be a Promoter of Child's Health

This year’s Child Health Promotion Week falls on the 11th to 15th May, 2014. The Child Health Promotion Week is 11 years old now. For the second year running the focus is still on the newborn because;
• New-borns are still the most vulnerable.
• There has been no significant decline in newborn mortality rates.
• Newborn deaths are highly preventable
This year, the Child Health Promotion Week will be launched on the 6th of May, 2015 in the Volta Region.

THEME: ‘I am A Newborn; Keep Me Clean, Help Me Live’

Newborn deaths due to sepsis (infections) can be reduced through;
• Immunization for pregnant women
• Clean birthing practices (Clean hands, surfaces, instruments, linen)
• Early Initiation of breastfeeding
• Clean cord
• Eye prophylaxis
• Antibiotics for treatment of infections

Everyone Has A Role To Play
Health Workers
o Improve Infection Prevention and Control Practices
o Recognise and treat infections promptly
o Communicate key messages to caregivers
o Observe good hygiene practices
o Recognise danger signs and seek care promptly
Recommended Actions
Districts are entreated to engage policy makers, opinion leaders in our communities on the need to support and promote child health. Exhibitions on child health promotion can also be used to create massive awareness among the populace.


Intervention Package
Immunization (Highlight messages on TD)
Vitamin A Supplementation
Growth Promotion
Promotion of ITN use
Birth Registration



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